August, 2019 – Influence

August is the month of my birth.  Yup – I was an ‘August baby’.  Nearly every birthday after I was a grown up, my mother would tell me, ‘how I suffered with you’ (giving birth)!  I’m thinking that it was one of those terribly hot August dawg-days – and I’m sure with no air conditioning, it was brutal.  But really, Mum?!  She would say, though, that I was ‘awfully cute’.  I’ll take that.

June, 2019 – I Want to Age Like Sea Glass

Because of a series of overwhelming challenges this past month – and truly being too mentally exhausted to write something original, I have decided to include this writing by Bernadette Noll.  The subject of ‘sea glass’ is very near and dear to my heart.  I have a tall bottle of it right full from when my sons were young and we would spend the day on the rocks in Red Beach, Maine looking for the glass.  I cherish that bottle of glass.  It brings back such sweet and precious memories every time I look at it.  The writing below says everything I would want to say if I had ever thought to write an article on ‘sea glass’.  When I read it, I address it to my Creator – praising Him for fearfully and wonderfully making me – for smoothing (refining) me but not breaking me.

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