Squares project

Do we have the right number of squares?

The Squares Project was introduced by a dear friend, my former pastor’s wife, Nancy Stratton.   From various churches, really talented ladies in the States knit or crochet 8” squares which are then shipped to Dawn while in Romania.   The ‘squares’ are then given to precious Roma (Gypsy) ladies in bundles of 48 to make their very own afghan. Needles are also provided for them.

Ioana is making sure!

It is a joyous project involving ‘sisters in Christ’ who live ‘worlds’ apart. The ‘squares’ are made in the States, but assembled in Romania. The Roma (Gypsy) ladies absolutely love this project. And with the long, cold, bitter winters in RO, the beautiful, bright afghans are also a blessing.


Squares project

Updated on 2017-08-02T19:57:32+03:00, by LFA.