
In 2001 I watched as a missionary with whom I was staying received four large boxes of clothing from the States. I stood quietly by as they opened the boxes expressing to whom they thought the clothes should be given. I remember well, leaning against the wall and saying to myself, “Lord, someday I would like to be able to do that . . . “ (send clothing to such needy ones in Romania).  The Lord heard me and with the help of many from the States, Love From Above has shipped more than two-thousand pounds of clothing and shoes to Romania over the past several years! The clothing is meant primarily for my two orphanages, Barza Mica and Albina.  We also help clothe the Roma (Gypsies) in Halchiu and in the village of Bahnea. There is a wonderful and structured set-up here in Romania to make sure the clothing is used to full advantage thanks to Ovi Starlici in Halchiu, and Elisabeta Tompi in Bahnea.

RO pics, 2011 001Photo0004These are just some of the boxes that arrive at my flat in Brasov.  We ship literally tons of clothing and supplies each year.  Some of the clothing goes directly to Halchiu and Bahnea.  However the rest need to be sorted through and the clothing given where most appropriate.  We are blessed also to be able to ship lots of toys, stuffed animals, crafts, OTC meds and books to our precious ‘kids’ and ‘babies’.  Thank you – all of you!  We make a great team!! 



Also a wonderful friend from college, Jean Cossey
in New York sews many, many dresses each year and ships them to me while I am in Romania to hand out to some pretty special little girls. Jean brings JOY and a gift of a lifetime to these unexpecting and needy little ones.



RO pics, 2011 020 Romania, 2012 112Mayflower Club from Mayflower Congregational Church in Kingston, MA is comprised of a group of godly women led by Susan Farrell. They meet all year (except for the summer) and sew countless pull-up pants for my kids at Barza Mica and for my babies at Albina. The pants are made out of a flannel material to keep my orphans little legs so warm. They also have elasticized waists which are far easier for my big kids to use. From left over material, they put it to good use in making scarves, gloves and hats. Thank you, ladies!

Faith Alliance Church in Attleboro, MA gives clothing – weekly! You are amazing!
And many individuals are constantly donating clothing and shoes. LFA has guidelines for giving. It is our thinking that when we give clothing to ‘the helpless – the needy – the least of these’ that we are actually giving what we have to Jesus. (Matthew 25:35-40) The only clothing we ship to Romania is either new, or like-new.
Practical clothing is preferred; also warm clothing for the long cold winters in RO. Sizes should never exceed size-L – and shoe sizes should not exceed size 8 for women and size 10 for men. Sneakers and winter shoes/boots are great!
Since my doctor strictly prohibits me from doing any more lifting, my dear friend, Patti Belcher from Faith Alliance Church is handling the clothing end of the ministry in MA. She can be contacted at 508.463.6167 or, at


Also, so valuable to the ministry are Scott and Shannon Campbell and their ‘kids’ in Maine who create a ‘happening’ in the form of a yard sale for LFA each summer. Not only does it help the ministry financially, but it is a wonderful day of ‘meeting and greeting’ familiar faces and a day of fellowship for the ladies who run the sale. THANK you, Scott and Shannie! And my deepest thanks to Gardy and Linda Rolfe who let us hold the sale in their yard. Thank you!! And thank you for your provision to the troops! 


A dear friend, Tommy McLaughlin from Baileyville, Maine has knit hats for the past several winters. Va multumesc domnule Tommy! (Thank you, Mr. Tommy!)



For all of you who give of your abundance and for all of you who use your talents and your time in helping keep my precious ones in Romania clothed and warm I say, “Multumesc, foarte mult!” (Thank you ever so much!!)


Updated on 2015-09-30T17:26:37+03:00, by LFA.