
Love From Above is involved in supporting two orphanages, Barza Mica in Timisul de Sus, and Albina in Codlea. The orphans at Barza Mica are ‘lifers’. They are eighteen years-old, plus. I have known many of these precious orphans for all my years in Romania. They are all mentally handicapped, many are physically handicapped, and several are Severe/Profound. Not only are they not treated as human beings, they are mistreated beyond belief. My thoughts are that every human being deserves at least two things – love and dignity. These orphans had received neither love nor dignity until God sent me and then my LFA Volunteers to them.

Photo0358Photo0735From 2001, I sensed the Lord sharing with me – “ I don’t walk this earth anymore (physically), but if I did I would visit these precious ones. So, Dawn would you go for Me – and Me through you – and love these ‘discarded, thrown-away, abandoned and forsaken’ children to the best of your ability?”
We love them desperately, and as the Lord supplies, LFA provides these precious ones with clothing and shoes, food (potatoes and other vegetables), wood for their heating system, washing machines, sports equipment, crafts galore, books and more. It is great joy to spend time with them playing indoor and outdoor sports, crafting, sharing Bible stories and just loving them. They love the LFA volunteers, and lovingly refer to me as ‘Mama Dawn’.

Our ‘work’ with the little ones at Albina is mostly limited to spending time with them and letting them know how much we love and care about them. LFA provides them with clothing and also OTC meds, monthly. Many of the babies arrive from the hospital shortly after birth with a variety of horrific illnesses and conditions. Some are on life support, and many on feeding tubes. But it is our joy to ‘minister’ to these precious ones singing to them, praying over them and just softly stroking their precious little faces and hands. There are several little ones whom we can hold and two or three with whom we can play.

Since I work with the Romanian Government, I am limited as to what I can put in print. Also, I am forbidden by the government to post any pictures of my orphans on this website and online, in general. You can view pictures on the hard-copy letters I send through the mail. For more information, please contact me directly at lvfrmabv@yahoo.com or, 508-930-6302.

“A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish; He will faithfully bring forth justice.” – Isaiah 42.3



Updated on 2015-09-30T18:54:37+03:00, by LFA.