Volunteers Romania

ioanapIoana Pirvu – Translator and Overseer of LFA Ministries in Romania

Ioana Pirvu lives in Brasov, Romania.  She is 23 years old and is in her 5th year of Medical School in Brasov.  Her parents met Christ when she was 3 years old, but she made the decision to follow Christ when she was nine.  Since then her relationship with Him has become stronger and stronger, and continues to do so.  She has attended Centrul Creştin Braşov Church since she was a child and has ministered there in Sunday School classes since she was fifteen years old.

God put a great love in her for children.  She always knew that, but five years ago when she started to work with Dawn she discovered what a treasure orphans with mental disorders are!  This ministry changed her life, touched all the domains of it, and happily it continues to do so.

The Team

WP_20150309_20_44_08_ProThe Love From Above Volunteer program in Romania is comprised of 12, or so college/career-age young people. This number varies as some may leave the country for higher education, or assume a job that does not allow them the freedom to leave for a few hours. New volunteers come on board from time to time. There are also two ladies who are abroad.

RO-2012 005At the same time In 2011, the Lord laid it on Ioana Pirvu (my translator and right hand in the ministry in Romania) and my heart that there was a great need for volunteers to visit our precious ones at Barza Mica and Albina during my absence from Romania. Only the Lord could have gathered such an amazing group of young people who are passionate about the Lord and about being His hands and feet, eyes and heart to the ‘least of these’.

They love the orphans, love being with them and know how important it is to the orphans to have those spend time with them who actually care about them. The volunteers tell ‘my kids’ stories and sing with them, do crafts, play games and occasionally take a guitar to play and sing for them. They remind them of Mama Dawn’s love for them, and also take little treats. Please pray with us that the Lord will lead other young people to dedicate themselves to this very needful ministry.

Tihamer Szasz – Website Designer

Tihamer Szasz was born in Brasov, Romania. At the age of twenty-two, he recently moved to Rasnov to work with Torchbearers-Romania. Tihi worships at Christian Center in Brasov where he is involved with the Worship Team. Because of his great desire to give of himself, he became involved with Love From Above Ministries as a volunteer.

Volunteers Romania

Updated on 2015-10-29T11:45:30+03:00, by LFA.