
Photo0309Love From Above began to minister in the village of Bahnea in 2012.  Bahnea is about 160 km. northwest of Brasov, and about a two and one-half hour drive over mostly hilly, bumpy, winding and at times, dirt roads.  Our particular area of interest in the village is comprised of Roma (Gypsy) families in poverty beyond imagination.  The people live reminiscent of the earlier 1900’s.   Their children couldn’t go to school because they couldn’t afford a pencil.  As soon as the weather turned colder they, also, couldn’t go to school because they had no shoes.

Since 2012, LFA has been providing the children with pencils and pencil sharpeners for school.  Many, many pairs of shoes have been shipped to them, and nearly a half ton of warm clothing.  LFA has also been able to provide toys for each child for Christmas.   The little girls’ dresses that Jean Cossey makes go to the little girls in Bahnea now.  (see pics below)

Clothing, shoes, pencils, toys, etc. are shipped directly to Elisabeta Tompi and her daughter, Gabriela.  In their very little and humble home, they store everything ever so carefully in a neatly order and as the needs arise, they give to whomever that would be.

Bless BahneaWhen I am privileged to visit Bahnea, Robert (Elisabeta’s son), Alina, their children and I are presented a feast with everything prepared from Elisabeta’s land.  Then the children from the village are gathered around me, and I tell them a story about Jesus’ love for them.  Not always having had the best behavior towards others, the children have been very orderly and respectful during story time.  After the story, however, each child gets a sweet and a toy.   That’s when the lack of restraint most reveals itself.  At times I feel like (Mrs. Santa Claus – mugged!)  But somehow, it gets done and it truly is a time of great joy!



Updated on 2015-09-29T16:37:07+03:00, by LFA.