Love From Above

dawnDawn Mattera, married for over forty years, mother of three sons and ‘Mammie’ to six grandchildren, grew up in Downeast Maine. While in college, Dawn sang with many groups including choirs and chorales, and also was privileged to solo with the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra and sing with the RI Philharmonic Orchestra. After receiving her B. Mus. from Barrington College (United College of Gordon and Barrington), Dawn taught school in both the private and public sector for twenty-three years. While living in Norton, MA for the past four decades, she was director of music for a church, taught piano and voice privately and for several years traveled to churches giving Gospel concerts. Dawn is an active member at Faith Alliance Church in Attleboro MA.

Dawn’s heart has always been in missions both locally and globally, even from early childhood. During her college years, she spent three months in Trinidad and Tobago working with missionaries. In the summer of 2000, Dawn had the opportunity to work with Gujarati Indians in Loughborough, England. Closer to home, she spent nearly four years volunteering at the Providence Rescue Mission in Providence, RI.

In the late ’90’s, Dawn began to hear that ‘still, small voice’ whispering ‘Romania – Romania’ in her heart – over and over. Once she realized the source of that ‘voice’ it became overwhelmingly clear to her that God was asking her to not only go to Romania – but, by herself!  She knew, also, that her calling was to work with the very children (orphans) that when she saw their pictures on television, was so repulsed that she would change the channel. It is a very long and amazing story of how she got from that point to actually going and loving and ministering to the ‘least of these’. But having learned (from I Samuel 15:22) ‘that it is better to obey than sacrifice’ – (or bargain, or ignore, or totally disobey God), it was in fear and trembling that she boarded the plane in July, 2001 for Romania.

Thinking it was a one-time missions trip and, perhaps, a testing from the Lord to see if she truly loved and trusted Him with her whole heart, she was not surprised when He kept calling her back time after time. She had ‘fallen in love’ with the Romanians and the work God had called her to.

LFA started out as a mission’s trip in 2001 – but quickly grew into Love From Above in Romania – full time-work, year-round.  (Please see ABOUT)  Dawn prefers not to be called a ‘missionary’.  She feels that that term belongs to those like Wm. Carey, A. Judson, D. Livingstone, G. Mueller (her hero), G. Aylward, A. Carmichael, J. Elliot and more – who truly ‘counted the cost’.  (Books about their lives make great reads!)

Dawn is most comfortable just being  ‘Mama Dawn’ and  ‘considering the helpless’ – Psalm 41:1a

Love From Above

Updated on 2019-11-14T07:40:41+03:00, by LFA.