Update – September, 2024
– What a joy it has been to be able to see our ‘kids’ and ‘littles’ a few times! I say a few times because of having no car (after the horrific car crash on July 21 that totaled my car on the way to church). I have had to depend on the goodness of others for rides – mostly Robert, and Ovi’s daughter, Lorena. During one of the weeks, neither of them were free to get Corina and me to the orphanages, and on a Friday, a worker from Barza Mica was to come and pick us up – BUT! – he had a heart attack. By the following Friday, he was well enough to come ‘fetch’ us. I am beyond grateful to Lorena – and to Robert for the times they could help in getting us to see our precious neglected ones.
– Adi, a fellow I met years ago, and don’t know well, came to pick me up every Sunday for church. BLESS him! I gave him a box of candy as a ‘thank you’ one of the times, and a Noul Testament the last time. I would love it if you would pray for Adi. He does not have a personal relationship with Christ.
– Ovi (along with Adi) spent days looking for a replacement car for me. Please know that I am very cognizant of the fact that it is never ‘my’ car – it is not even the ministry’s car – it belongs to the Lord, as does everything else we have. Due to Ovi’s tenacity, he found a 2019 (white) Skoda in Bucharest. It is perfect for the ministry. For several reasons, I call it the Miracle Car. Not only did I think that Love From Above would never be able to have another car, but the fellow who was selling it was willing to take several hundred dollars less than what he had been asking. He was quite moved at my being here in his country ministering to the marginalized, broken ones. And, he also gave me a full tank of gas!
Things don’t work here in Romania like they do in America. I had the accident July 21 and have as yet to be summoned to the police station to be questioned – or, to the insurance office. I will be glad when all of that is behind me! As you can imagine, I was extremely uncomfortable driving for the first time after the accident. I have prayed. Ovi has prayed. Corina and I have prayed. And Sunday, August 25, after our morning service at Canaan, the folks from church gathered around the Skoda and prayed over it. I love the Family of God!
It has been joy to see our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica. Absolute JOY! They have just been beside themselves to have their Mama Dawn back with them. They had been really upset with my not getting there to visit them. The Friday after my birthday, they threw me a ‘surprise’ birthday party. Once again, what joy! Hugs and kisses from each of them (perhaps many times) 😊 – singing – a La mulți ani birthday sign – a yummy cake – a most beautiful bouquet of flowers – and just loving on each other!! The last week of August, we also celebrated our Alex’s birthday. After most years of his life enduring beatings – not even treated like a human being, it brings my heart an ebullience immeasurable to make him feel like the special creation of our God that he is. He is well worthy of our adulation.
We have seen our ‘littles’ at Albina only three or four times, but my heart is drawn to them more than ever. I love ‘purring’ over them, singing softly to them, praying over them, loving and playing with the ones who are able. Many are (so) Severe/Profound that they cannot be held – but love that we are near them.
I am once again enjoying the cooks’ wonderful Romanian food in the kitchen at B. Mica. Yum! And, they usually send me home with some . . .
After not seeing our ‘kids’ or ‘littles’ even once while I was here in February through the end of April, 2024, and then having not seen them much this time around, I am thankful to our Lord for letting me be here in the ‘other’ land that I love fulfilling the ‘assignment’ He gave me more than twenty-four years ago. What a privilege to be called to be our Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet. Thank you for coming along-side me in this ministry!!
‘Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the rights of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy . . . ‘ – Psalm 82:3,4b