February, 2024
“I will extol You, my God and King, and bless Your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless You and praise Your name forever and ever. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable.” – Psalm 145:1-3
– Those verses are how I feel towards the fist month of 2024!! God is always ‘there’ – He is worthy of being praised!!
– I’ve gotten my tickets to return to the ‘other’ land that I love on February 7. Please pray that the weather (on both ends) will cooperate – that the Lord will hold up the snow for safe travel!
Work has continued on Barza Mica in January. All the wood is being replaced in the hallways with fresh new covering. This has been demanded by the government (or else)! If not, per usual, they will close the casa – and what would become of the ‘kids’ whom we love so much . . .??
Another shipment went to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ (and others) in Ukraine in January. I have a short video of them gathered together singing and praising God! With all they are going through, can you imagine? PLEASE pray for one pastor who has been forced to join the army. This takes him away from waiting on the elderly who so desperately need food and goods delivered to them.
Ovi had a fairly serious accident in January, but thankfully he was not hurt. I praise God that He laid it on a precious couple’s heart to send funds for repair of the damaged van. I truly do praise God for this couple, for HIM, and for all blessings which flow from Him.
Our ‘kids’ at Barza have been very sick – some hospitalized. That in itself is a serious situation. Because they are orphans, they’re always treated despicably by hospital staff. The director and personnel have also been sick (flu, bronchitis, etc.). Please pray for them.
Please pray that we will legally be able to get back into Albina and B. Mica orphanages. Nehemiah said in 4.20 – ‘Our God will fight for us’! Please pray to that end – that however the Lord wants to work it out, that the orphanages will be open to us!
I can hardly wait to get back to Brasov, but would you please pray over the trip. Not only are all the shenanigans going on in the airports so very stressful, but this well-worn body finds the trip increasingly more and more difficult. Please pray . . . ! Our ‘kids’ have been asking for weeks now, “When is Mama Dawn coming back?” My heart skips a beat just thinking of that and of them!
Thank you for coming along-side me in this ministry. What a JOY to be our Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet!!
The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food (and you, so much more!) with the poor. – Proverbs 22:9