January, 2020 – My New Year’s Prayer
In Philippians 3:12-16, the apostle Paul seems to be taking inventory of his life. As Christians, we need to stop periodically and measure our progress – to review our accomplishments in our personal life as well as our professional life. And there seems to be no better time to do that than at the end of one year/the beginning of a new year. We need, even more, to reflect what has transpired in our spiritual life. Was spending time in the Word a priority? – did our prayer life grow and/or change? – did our worship for the Lord deepen? – how did ‘giving’ reflect our love for Him? – did our joy of sharing Jesus with others grow? And did we hear His voice like never before?
Several years ago in concerts, I would include the song, “Shepherd of My Heart”. The lyricists refer to Jesus as ‘Maker of my heart’ and ‘Keeper of my heart’ as well as other metaphors, but ends two of the verses with the following words: ‘So as I walk through valleys listening for the Master’s call, I’ll trust in You, ‘Shepherd of my heart’.
In John 10:11-15, Jesus speaks of Himself as the Good Shepherd and that He lays down His life for His sheep. He is not as a hired shepherd who would perhaps only be in it for the money not really caring for the sheep and the potentially many harms that could come their way. I see these fellows often in Romania. Hired shepherds. But Jesus says that He is the GOOD Shepherd – that He knows me and all of those who have seen their need for the Good Shepherd – He says as intimately as He and the Father know each other, we can know each other!
If that is so, then my New Year’s prayer for me – and all those who are committed to Christ – would be for us to listen for the ‘Shepherd of our hearts’ – to come to know Him in an even deeper and more intimate and personal way in 2020 so that there is no doubt that we will recognize His voice and all that He has to share with us. It is much, you know . . . This is my prayer for you – and me in the New Year.