January, 2023

January, 2023

I trust that you all had a most Blessed and Merry Christmas.  The angels rejoiced at the announcement of our Jesus’ birth.  I know that we rejoice, too, not just once a year, but all through the year that God sent His only Son for us.

– I praise God for a safe and uneventful trip back to MA from Romania.  It is always so difficult to leave to leave our precious ‘kids’ and babies.

I am thrilled that Corina will be visiting at least the Baby Orphanage (Albina) while I am back here in the States.  She truly loves our so very desperate orphans.  And she is such a blessing to me, personally, in making sure that both orphanages get the funds they need to keep running.

About the orphanages – Since the EU no longer wants large orphanages to be in operation, both of the directors of the case (houses/orphanages) that we care for are going to build smaller case and house 10-12 orphans in each one.  That is better than, literally, being thrown out on the street.  But I am still distressed that some of our mobile little ones from Albina are being sent back to families who never wanted anything to do with them in the first place.  Please pray over these precious little ones!

Work continues on two of the case at Barza Mica – Casa Noua, and the second one yet to be named – and also on Casa Provitii that will be for a storage place.  Thank you, everyone, for giving so faithfully to give a little better life to our precious helpless and hopeless ones while here on earth.

Two gentleman – and not without difficulty – drove 40,000 pounds of food, goods and supplies deep into Ukraine the first of December.  It has not been made clear to me what difficulty they experienced, but knowing the climate both physically and politically in Ukraine, I’m quite sure it was a challenge.  I just praise God that they made it back home to Romania, safely!

To end on a JOYOUS note.  God has supplied all the funds with the Matching Fund – through YOU! – for the much needed van to deliver not only thousands of kilograms of veggies, other food and supplies to our precious ones at Barza Mica, but to the ones deep into Ukraine who are just waiting for a bite to eat.  On our last trip, we delivered food, lots of supplies including air mattresses, blankets and pillows.  Praise God, once again that He chose us to be His eyes and heart, hands and feet while on this earth!!  I am beyond thankful for the precious couple who initiated the Matching Funds.  May the Lord bless them double-fold and beyond in their lives – and in this coming year, 2023!!

A most Blessed New Year to all of you!  Let me take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining me on this journey to ‘consider the helpless’ (from Psalm 41.1a).  May He bless you double-fold – and beyond!!

Isaiah 43.10a  –  “See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up’ do you not perceive it?”