June, 2024 – See Jesus on Your Journey
I had intended to write just those words ‘See Jesus on your journey’ to a precious struggling, Christian friend of mine one May morning. But, before I did, I knew that I needed to get into the Word – to see what the Lord had for me. Having been studying through the book of Hebrews, my next reading was continuing in the 12th chapter. I got no further than verse three (NASB) when I decided to see how The Message worded these verses. I was in shock/moved tremendously how the Holy Spirit was addressing something I had just been complaining about! Verses 2 and 3 read as follows: “Keep your eyes on Jesus, Who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how He did it. Because He never lost sight of where He was headed – that exhilarating finish in and with God – He could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now He’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility He plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!”
My complaint(s)? Traveling overseas! – but certainly not about flying. I love to fly! It’s the only time I get to sit for hours on end, do nothing, and not feel guilty. What’s not to like about that?! And as much as I don’t like screaming babies on a flight, at times really rude attendants, inedible food, having my seat changed without my knowing it to the row right in front of the toilets (where my seat won’t lean back and I have to hear the toilet doors banging, the toilets flushing all night with the odor(s) eventually creeping out into my space) – oh, yes, the ‘snorers’, and those with headphones on who think you can’t hear them bursting out in laughter . . . As much as I’m not crazy about that, my complaint is the airport shenanigans! It used to be so easy. Book a flight – get on the plane at the time it indicates and at the gate indicated – but, no longer! For the past ten years or more, it is no longer a sure thing that I am going to land up at the airport (or even country) that I have booked, and that is printed on my ticket. It is no longer a sure thing that the next gate I am to leave from won’t be changed at least once or twice. One can’t even be sure that the airport will be safe as I well found out landing in a terrorist-attacked London (Heathrow) Airport several years ago. There is a lot to this story, but it was stress like I’d not experienced before being crammed into one of Heathrow’s hangars along with 100,000 other travelers (thousands in each hangar)!
Even as late as this past December, a minute before I left my flat in Brasov, I got notice that my flight had been cancelled – and with no explanation! In a bit of a melt-down, I apologized to Him, confessing my lack of faith/trust in Him, my loving and caring omniscient God. Most recently on my trip back to MA on the last day of April when I arrived at the airport in Bucharest, the airline had absolutely no record of my even having a reservation!! Yes, I admit my faith ‘flags’ while my blood pressure goes up and I shake my head in disbelief all the while rolling my eyes! Maybe even, my complaints are legitimate. But, in going over Hebrews 12:2 and 3, I realized that I tend to focus on a situation – not Jesus – to keep my eyes, mind and thoughts focused on JESUS – to never lose focus on what HE has set me to do. Instead of saying ‘I can’t do this one more time!’, I want to say, ‘I can finish God’s assignment for me – and exhilaratingly so!!’
As my eyes fell ahead to verses 4 and 5, the Lord had more for me: ‘. . .others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through – all that bloodshed! So don’t feel sorry for (yourself). Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children and that God regards you as His (child)? First of all, I don’t call what I’ve gone through as ‘suffering’ – and certainly nothing that should even be mentioned in the same sentence of what Jesus endured. But these verses did have a lot to say to me in getting my head back on straight – or at least, starting the process. It’s tough to be ‘human’. We all know that. However, I am SO thankful that God cares for me as His child – that He sorrows when we sorrow – and most of all that He has given us the Word to deal with absolutely non-suffering trials! Thank You, Jesus!