March, 2020

March, 2020

– It was a long, confusing, and tiring trip involving, unexpectedly, three different airlines to reach Romania from Atlanta, but I so praise my Lord God, the Almighty for delivering me safely.

– As usual my first week was spent shaking jetlag and seeing old friends.  Loved having the Tompi’s (Robert and Alina) to my flat right off and serving them a warm carrot-spice cake right fresh out of the oven.

– Concerning Barza Mica – once again, we are in time of crisis with the government’s desire to take the orphanage away from us.  I can’t put it into print here, but the government wants to go to evil lengths that I have never seen to close the orphanage.  PLEASE pray with us that the Lord’s hand will be on the casa.  It is a miserable existence for these young people, but far better than what has been so deviously planned for them.  Just pray.  If you want to know more, you can email me.

– Our babies at Albina are beyond precious.  We have two new ones, Teodora and Jonas.  They both have serious health problems, and although we never know how long they will be with us, it is such a privilege to love them with the love of Jesus!  One wasn’t with us as long as we thought he would be – little Adam, whom I adored!   He passed away the week I got here.  Bitter/sweet.  I miss his precious little face – and holding him, but how far better for him to be with His Creator – held in such love.

Love From Above is the proud owner of a 2015 Skoda.  My heart is grateful far beyond what you can imagine after having driven a car that for at least the past two years had operated at fifty percent, or less – and making it a real hazard to drive.

It was my privilege to visit a man from the village of Satu Nou – and to share Christ’s love with him.  He is barely civilized, and both he and his wife are illiterate.  He has been known to beat his mother and steal from her.  Actually, he had confined himself in his small, meager house because of men nearby wanting to kill him – literally.  I felt the Lord lead me to him to share our Jesus with him.  I haven’t seen him since then, but I’m not giving up on him.  If you remember Peter from the Scriptures – he was an uneducated and rough-around-the-edges man – and he helped turn the world upside-down for the cause of Christ!

Loved visiting my beautiful, wind-beneath-my-wings, and very pregnant Ioana.  I loved having her work with me for over six years.  The ministry grew exponentially when she joined LFA’s team with her enthusiasm and leadership skills. She will always be a JOY in my life!

Got to join my Romanian family – the Bulai’s for a Sunday afternoon of eating (and eating and eating) and wonderful conversation.  This it the family that just lost their husband/dad in January – and are still having a really difficult time coming to grips with it.  I am so blessed that they always include me in their gatherings!

Had a little mishap causing me to miss two days at the orphanages – a very painful sprained little finger on my left hand which totally crippled that hand/wrist in all its swollenness.  I’m thankful that it wasn’t any worse, but it did set me aside from all my obligations for three or four days.

If anyone feels led to help with the cost of the Skoda for the ministry, that would be amazing.  We are about three-quarters of the way there in having it totally paid for . . .

Thank you for your love and compassion for Love From Above Ministries in ministering to the ‘least of these’/the ‘helpless’.  I give you Proverbs 11.25