March, 2021

March, 2021

Amazing news in February!  A couple who wished to remain anonymous offered a matching donation of $5000.00 if others collectively gave that much during the month of February.  I am happy to announce that not only did faithful supporters – and some new ones – meet the match, but it was exceeded!  That means there are enough funds to complete ‘Project Upstairs’!  If the ‘upstairs’ at Canaan, our church in Halchiu didn’t get finished, the government would close the church down.  Since Canaan is GOD’s church (!!) – I knew He would never let that happen.  But I had no idea how He would choose to send funds to complete it.

Presently, the church’s ‘upstairs’ is being used as storage space.  By summer, we should have Ovi’s office up there, a guest room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a place to double as a fellowship area and a Children’s Ministry area.  I am truly praising God from Whom all blessings flow!!  He has provided for Himself and HIS church through faithful ones like you!  THANK you!!

Romania is not doing well with COVID.  As soon as different businesses/schools open up, it once again becomes a ‘red area’.  Please pray that the Lord will lift this pandemic from the ‘other land that I love’ – from this world!

My heart’s desire is to return to Romania as soon as I can.  Love From Above has actually grown during the past year.  God has blessed His work in spite of a world-wide crisis.  However, my heart desires to be back with our precious babies and ‘kids’ – to resume a normal time with them.  Please pray that the Lord will still their hearts.  Their biggest fear is that Mama Dawn will never come back to be with them . . .

THANK you pray-ers!  I can’t do this assignment that the Lord gave me more than 20 years ago without prayer!  And thank you, giv-ers – for your hearts for ‘the helpless’ – our precious hopeless and desperate ones in RO.  I love your praying spirits and giving hearts!

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech, but with actions and in truth.”   – I John 3.18