February, 2025
The month of January absolutely flew by – so fast that it is difficult to even remember what all went on.
I do know that our ‘littles’ have not been placed in the two little case that have been built for them. I took a tour of the houses over a year ago, and they are really lovely, but there is always so much ‘red tape’ with the Romanian government, it may still be a while before they are used.
Our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica have been quite sick. That is not so unusual for the Wintertime, but they have been sicker than usual – and consistently so. I have to wonder what is going on . . .
Canaan, our church in the village of Halchiu is doing well. I think of our pastor, my dear friend, Ovi as the Energizer Bunny! I understand the urgency of his ministry, but pray, too, that he will find ‘balance’.
In January, Love From Above shipped out 42 boxes (901.25 pounds), of warm winter clothing, shoes/boots, etc. Their destination, as usual, will be to the orphanages, to Halchiu, Bahnea, other villages, and to Ukraine. Thank you – all of you who donate – who care for others who live in dire need – for your Philippians 2.4 hearts!
After a very difficult five months (July-December, 2024) in Romania, I thank God for giving me the opportunity to be able to slow things down back here in the States – for being able to get some physical and emotional rest. I thank the Lord for His choosing me to minister to ‘the least of these’ in Romania, but please bear in mind that ministry is not easy – especially in a culture where EVERYthing is different!
Having said that, I would appreciate prayer over the trip on February 4 as I head back to the ‘other’ land that I love – and for my 3+ months there ministering.
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!” – Romans 11.33a