January, 2025

January, 2025

I trust you have had a Blessed and Merry Christmas – that you were re-newed in the love of, and love for that Tiny Babe, Infant King, Savior – JESUS – Who came to save us from our sins!

I returned to the States on December 2, and as always, was so very sad to leave our precious ‘littles’ at Albina, and ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  Only one thing was different.  After attack after attack both physically and emotionally from the ‘evil one’, I found myself (and still do) burned out!  I feel as if I would like 3 months on a remote island in the middle of nowhere just focus on the Lord – to re-new and recover, but my life is in the Lord’s hands and we will have to see what He has for me.

Such good news, regardless!  Our ‘kids’ and ‘littles’ are constantly provided for with food, clothing, meds, etc. – thanks to YOU!!  I trust that you consider yourself as privileged as I do in being called to be our Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet to these precious desperate ones!

Also, after having no contact with our friends in Ukraine for close to 9 months (due to the Russians scrambling their airwaves), we finally got word from them.  Again, what a privilege to be able to make another ‘run’ to Ukraine in December delivering ‘tons’ of food, water, blankets, clothing, OTC meds, generators and so much more.  Thank you, LFA!!  We were so very thankful that the Lord made the trip possible and covered our men with His divine protection in getting them there and back to Romania safely!  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

Our precious ‘kids’ at Barza Mica put on their Christmas program once again.  They love doing that!  Robert and Alex made sure that I got plenty of pictures AND videos.  Of course, I had to keep mopping up my tears while watching the videos – loving and missing them so much.

I trust that the New Year, 2025 will be one of abundant blessings for you – that the Lord will keep you healthy – and that we will all grow closer to Jesus – Whose birth we have just celebrated!  Thank you, loved ones, for coming alongside Love From Above in faithful prayer and giving.  God has made us a great team!!

Jeremiah 29.11 – “’For I know the plans I have for you’, declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”’