December, 2024

December, 2024

November was a really challenging month!  I SO wanted people to be able to read my November ‘Sharing’, but a couple of days into the month, Love From Above’s website shut down!  The article concerned my views on the upcoming Presidential election, but barely anyone got to see it.  If you had a couple of minutes, I would still love to have you read it.  It’s not pro-either candidate, but more in my mind how Christians should view the election period every four years – and perhaps how they should respond to it.  It was not an easy fix for dear Tihi to get the website up and running again, but he did it!!  Since I thought that perhaps I had lost (at least) ten years’ worth of work on www.lfaministries  – you can’t even imagine how deep my gratitude is for one, Thiamer Szasz!!  I LOVE the Family of God!!

At our ‘littles’ orphanage, there are only two or three with whom we can interact.  And that’s a JOY.  Little Ștefan comes running to me to be held and cuddled. He is SO precious!!  Ioana is not fuzzy-warm, but dearly loves attention and loves telling us what she knows (mostly, her numbers).  Some of the ‘littles’ are destructive and I try to interact as best as possible.  And then, as always, I love singing to, cooing over, and praying for the others.  Their I.Q.’s are so very low – 25 and below, I’m sure, but they do thrive on love, touch, and attention.  ONE day!! – these precious ones created in the image of their Heavenly Father will be healed and whole!!

As you know, we adore our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  We have made fun crafts – a Fall pumpkin one (I explained to them America’s Thanksgiving holiday), and after a story about Paul writing some of his epistles on scrolls while in prison, we made our own scrolls, also Christmas tree cards (you’ll see them on FB!)  We love our games, Bible stories, and were blessed to have Robert come visit one day to give the story and interact with the ‘kids’.  He has known many of them for years.  As always, they love their favorite snacks – chip’n dip, and cereal with milk.  One day I made stuffed strawberry cupcakes for them.  Those were really a ‘hit’, too!  Because of snowstorms, and a lot of illness, we haven’t been able to be with our ‘kids’ as much as I would like to.  But God knows my heart . . .

I asked Robert to take me, once again, to visit Costi (the beggar I met on the streets many years ago).  We had a wonderful visit!  – delicious food, and precious fellowship.  I had bought a larger New Testament for Costi as his vision is dimming a bit.  I also took 4 strengths of readers for him to try to see if a pair of them would help.  But the vision in each of his eyes so varies, the glasses were of no help. I SO pray that he truly has a personal relationship with Christ.  Please pray with me.

Ovi was in Eastern Romania the third week of November with three other guys to try and shore up some fairly salvageable little homes. (Most were totally destroyed in the deluge of the Danube’s flooding – with many lives lost.) Handling all that cement was definitely a challenge for these men.  However, they returned to work again the last week of November!     And, Lord willing, we will make another ‘run’ to Ukraine the second week of this month.  I’ll have more details about that in the next Update.

November has been a very difficult month of many levels – a lot of illness (in the orphanages, in Canaan (our church), a two-day Achilles-heal problem that made it impossible for me to walk (Achilles-heal problems don’t just go away – I truly believe it was a ‘spiritual attack’!!) – and a blow to the ministry, itself.  This and more has spiraled me into some depression . . . !!   The latter (ministry issue) has not been resolved, but I need you to know that I  Still. Choose. Jesus!!

To end on a lighter note, it has been so much fun buying our ‘kids’ at Barza little Christmas gifts! – and having them in Christmas gift bags.  Before last Christmas, they had never received anything – personally.  They were just included all together in receiving candies, etc.  I love loving on them – and making them truly feel – not like discarded, abused, and worthless ones – but rather cherished ones by me, and more importantly by their Creator!!

THANK you for joining me in this ever so special ministry to ‘the least of these’ in Romania!!  A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you all!!

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given’ and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”   – Isaiah 9.6