April, 2018

April, 2018

It seems as though I was just asking for prayer for my trip from Michigan to Romania – and now here I am asking for prayer from Romania back to MA.  I am in no way mentally or emotionally prepared to leave this ‘other land that I love’ on April 6.  Please pray, not only for a safe trip back to the States, but that the Lord will guard my heart . . .

March was a tough month between the weather and illnesses.  We had a blizzard making it impossible for me to get to the orphanages several days – and then I had the flu missing over a week at Albina and Barza Mica.  I was incapacitated with the flu for ten days, but I feel like it will take ten weeks for me to completely heal up.  Thankfully, I had meds here (in RO) to take.  Going to the hospital would not be an option!  More than likely I would have to share a bed with another sick woman and be on a ward with only one bathroom per 35 women.  Not to mention the lack of care, food or attention.  I praise God that He brought me through this rough time.

Sad to say, too, Ovi (Pastor Ovidiu Starlici) has had the chicken pox.  This has really set him behind – besides being so sick.  It also ended my ministering to the people in our church.  (Ovi needs to be with me for translating purposes.)  So thankful God knows – and is in control.

I did get to spend a wonderful evening with Ioana (my translator for more than 6 years) and her husband, Radu – and another lovely evening with her parents, Monica and Nelu.  Moni and Nelu have been such a blessing to the ministry over the past several years – helping at every turn.  I have also been invited twice to have dinner with the whole Bulai family.  You can see their pic on FB Love From Above Ministries.  Also, Corina (my friend and translator) and I got to spend an afternoon in Olde Brasov going to the little Christian bookstore, and then sitting outside at a café having tea.  I am so grateful to the friends I have here who give me some times of relaxation.

On one of my days with the flu, Alex (who used to work with me, and who is a brother to Corina and Alina) filled in at Barza Mica for me.  The ‘kids’ just love him – although they were really concerned about Mama Dawn.  We have had such a wonderful time at Barza.  The ‘kids’ love their stories, singing, playing lots of different games, coloring, having a movie and popcorn – and of course, all the goodies.  However, trouble always looms over Barza from the government – who desperately want the property where the orphanage is.  Please just keep praying for us.

Our babies and ‘young’ kids have been so very sick at Albina.  Chicken pox, colds, fevers, and just plain sick.  We thought our little Valentin not going to ‘make it’.  He was rushed to the hospital, is still there as of this writing, but seems to be doing a little better.  It has been a joy, as always, to minister to these precious little ones who have every imaginable physical problem you can think of.  Each one responds to us.  Those who are blind sense our presence and recognize our voices.  We pray for the Lord to keep His angels so close around them.

Please keep praying over our precious Alina (with cancer).  She is in such pain that she has said she ‘just can’t do this anymore’.  Also please pray for D-na Alina, also with cancer.  Her oncologist has told her that if she doesn’t get some rest, that she ‘will not make it’.  Sorry for all the heaviness, but this seems to be a time and a place of oppression.  I pray in so many ways over these folks, babies, ‘kids’, situations – including Psalm 18.2.

Thank you for your prayer.  (PLEASE pray over Love From Above!)  Thank you for your faithful giving.  This is GOD’s ministry.  My heart’s desire is to be faithful to His calling – His assignment.

‘I . . .    am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God’s plan laid out . . .’   II Timothy 1.1