May, 2018

May, 2018

Thank you for praying concerning my trip from Romania back to the States.  In my section of the plane which would ordinarily seat 90 people, there were only 12 of us.  Not feeling very well from the flu, that was great – because not only I but the others, too, grabbed pillows and stretched out in all three seats, or as many as we wanted to!

It has taken me some time to re-coup from the aftermath of the flu.  After getting back to MA, I had to see a doctor who had me get chest x-rays and start another round of a powerful antibiotic.  The most difficult part in recuperating has been fatigue – such tiredness.  I’m trusting that I will be feeling like my ‘old self’ shortly, though.

We have a new baby girl at Albina (orphanage).  I don’t know her name yet, but I do know that she has Pierre Robin Syndrome.  Her parents decided that they just didn’t want her anymore.  (!!)  Well, I can hardly wait to hold and love this precious little one created in the image of God!

Corina, my friend, translator and over-seer of LFA in my absence called D-na Alina to see what our needs are.  Meds, of course.  I wired the money immediately to Corina to take to Barza Mica.  I love it that she said D-na Alina seems more up-beat.  For quite some time, she was so discouraged and so sick (she has cancer) that she was sure she would leave Barza.  Please keep praying for this amazing lady.  Her tenacity is great – and her love for the kids, no less.  Please pray, too, that we will have enough volunteers to paint the interior of Barza.  LFA will supply all the paint, brushes and other supplies, but we need volunteers to do the painting!

A letter has not gone out as of this writing, but we are praying for the funds for chairs for our church, Canaan, in Halchiu – and also funds for paint for the exterior of the church.

Please keep Alina in your prayers.  She and Robert went by train to Oradea for her to have more tests.  She says she can’t understand why she is in so much pain.  (Alina has had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for eight years.)

Ioana, my translator and ‘wind beneath my wings’ for more than six years is in England with her husband while she studies at a hospital there for a couple of months.  They ask for prayer in getting adjusted to such a different culture from Romania – and to be led of the Lord, daily.

Since returning to the States, I have been blessed to speak briefly to our Senior High Group at Faith Alliance Church – to a Women’s Bible Study (run by Rhonda Chabot who is LFA’s office manager and bookkeeper) – and at a luncheon after church at First Baptist Church in N. Middleboro, MA.  I love speaking about the ministry, its uniqueness, and how the Lord is using us in ‘the other land that I love’.

                “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth”!   – Psalm 8.1