June, 2018

June, 2018

May has been a really busy and challenging month!  On the second day of the month, I got word via Corina (my translator, and overseer of the ministry while I’m out of the country) that there was another situation at Barza Mica that the director said ‘only Dawn could solve’.  And, I knew that ‘only God could solve it for me’.  If we didn’t get some steel transported to a place in Brasov where we could receive money for it, once again the government threatened us with closing the orphanage and taking the director’s license to operate from her.  With God’s help – and with Ovi’s help to do the transporting, we were once again safe – and still had a place for our ‘kids’.

The next threat is that the orphanage will be taken from us if we don’t do renovation by July 7.  That includes interior painting, a new cook stove in the kitchen, the laundry room tiled and a bathroom just for the workers.  This really stretches my faith in Philippians 4.19 – that truly, ‘my God shall supply all ‘our’ need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’.

The government has also dictated that ‘x’ number of ‘kids’ be sent from Barza Mica to another orphanage.  Barza will only be allowed to keep what they are told they can. You have no idea how much I will miss them.  Even though, they are the worst of the worst, I have known them for years – and they are not only precious in His sight, but in mine, too.

It’s Love From Above’s privilege to still provide the OTC meds for Albina – and both OTC and prescription meds for Barza.  We will do this as long as we have the funds for it.

I mentioned last month that we need chairs for our new church, Canaan, in Halchiu – but a more immediate need came to our attention.  Our Pastor, Ovidiu Starlici who lives by faith had had no income for three months.  So a different kind of letter had to go out asking if anyone would be willing to help support this young man and his family – at least for a time.  As the Lord provides, we will still need chairs as soon as possible, and the exterior of the church painted.

Good news is that we have been able to help get three of our poorest families from our church into new housing.  I can hardly wait to get back and see what these places look like.  I’ll let you know in the July ‘Update’.

Best news!  Lord willing, I leave MA on July 11 – back to my home in Brasov.  I can hardly wait!!


‘But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the Gospel of the grace of God.’  – Acts 20.24