July, 2018

July, 2018

The anticipation is great in leaving once again for my beloved Romania on July 11.  And our kids at Barza Mica are equally as excited for my return.  They don’t know the months, etc., but they do know that when it gets warm, it’s time for me to return.  They even sit on a little rock wall outside the orphanage watching the planes go overhead and wonder if ‘that’ will be the plane that brings Mama Dawn . . .

I was blessed in June to update the ministry at Bethel Chapel in Talmadge, Maine – and Woodland Baptist Church in Baileyville, Maine.  These are precious folks who love LFA – and pray faithfully for what the Lord has called us to do in Romania.  I also got to update the ministry at my home church, FAC in Attleboro, MA in June.

The ministry shipped out 21 boxes of clothing and shoes to the village of Bahnea again – and 20 boxes to Halchiu.  Without our help, many of the people we minister to would wear tattered clothing (at the best), and would perish from the cold (at worst).  Please don’t ever feel your efforts go unneeded or unappreciated.  Remember Matthew 25!

I am so thankful to the Lord that support has been coming in for Ovi.  I can hardly wait to see him and talk to him, face to face, concerning what more we can do.

A big shout-out to Scott and Shannon Campbell, and Jan Campbell for ministering to me with lodging while in Eastern Maine.  I have no words to express my gratitude for the rest they provide for this weary traveler in a little camp that I think of as a ‘Haven of Rest’ right on the lake.  Even the beautiful sounds of the loons minister to me at night.  The same gratitude goes to my sister and her husband, Wylder and Diane Reeves for always giving me a room in their home in Central Maine as I travel to and from Washington County.