April, 2023

April, 2023

First of all, the team of four pastors including Ovi who went deep into Ukraine – within 8km of the border of Russia to deliver food, water, goods, generators, rolls of plastic to cover bombed out windows and so much more, were protected by our Almighty Jehovah-Nissi and returned home to Romania safely.  THANK You Lord, God!!

Ovi said that conditions for those left in Ukraine are not fit for animals, let alone human ‘consumption’ – that no one would ever believe how they are having to live unless they saw it with their own eyes!  THANK you – all of you who have lovingly considered Philippians 2.4 and who have ‘remembered these in (desperate need) as if you were together with them . . .  as if you yourselves were suffering’. – Hebrews 13.3   GREAT is your reward.

As you are reading this, another trip is being made deep into Ukraine with a van that will be filled and emptied four times.  Please always pray for the gentlemen who will be making the run for God’s protection over them.  Pray, please, for the precious Ukrainian Christians who choose not to curse or blame God when they hear the bombs landing, but choose, instead, to stand and recite Psalm 91.  We can learn a lot from these people!

The last Sunday in March, a gentleman who was visiting the church asked to speak with Ovi after church saying that he wanted to accept Christ as his personal Savior – and be baptized.   We (Canaan) may be a small church in a village, but the Holy Spirit is not limited as to where and when He will work!  Praise God!

Corina and I have loved, as usual, being with our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  Lots of games, artwork, yummie snacks and hugs all around!  Last week I (Love From Above) bought new really cool folding chairs to replace the early 20th century heavy cumbersome wooden chairs for the activities’ room in Casa Provisii.  They are so much better – and so much easier to move and handle.  The ‘kids’ loved our movie day with finger-food snacks.  And they particularly like the ‘cups’ game, Jenga, Memory, puzzles and artwork.  As some of them age, they get a bit more difficult to handle, but it’s okay, we just keep pouring God’s love on them.

There is much to accomplish in this, my last month, in Romania (for this time) – finish Casa Provizii, finish the work on Casa Noua, build a new casa, build a fence around the property, and sooooo much more!!

Our ‘babies’ at Albina don’t grow much.  They don’t get enough calories to develop properly.  For a couple of them, their speech is improving a bit.  We were blessed to supply this casa with a ‘boatload’ of meds for the next month, or so.  I feel it is a supreme privilege for God to have chosen me for this ministry, Love From Above – HIS ministry – among the marginalized ones in Romania.  I couldn’t love anything, any more . . .

I got to visit with my beautiful Ioana with whom I worked for six years.  She is now an MD, is working on her Ph.D – and was diagnosed with MS a year ago.  Our visit was sweet.  She will always have a deep, deep place in my heart.  Some days she does well with the MS, but when she is experiencing a flare-up, those days can be very difficult.  If you think of her, please pray over her, her husband and little 3-year old boy.

As always, thank you to each and everyone of you who love Love From Above Ministries, pray for it and so generously display your Philippians 2.4 hearts!!  THANK you!!