

What a month we had in March! (and  February that wasn’t ready to be reported on, yet).  Both good and an incident, not so good.  But I choose to focus on the good in this report.  A godly couple approached me concerning a matching-fund of $5000.00 for ‘Project Upstairs’.  This project concerns finishing the upstairs of Canaan, our church in Halchiu.  If the ‘upstairs’ went unfinished, the government would close down the church.  The thought of that was more than I could bear – and apparently for others, too.  When the couple offered the matching fund – meaning that they would match $5000.00 if that amount came in to Love From Above Ministries by the end of February, my brain went into a tail-spin.  Where in the world would this ‘small potatoes’ ministry come up with those funds in one month?!

We serve a God of miracles!  By the second week of February, the fund was matched.  And by the end of the month, we had enough money to complete ‘Project Upstairs’.  The miracle in all this being, too, that two donations came from folks who didn’t even know about the matching-fund.  The Holy Spirit had touched their hearts to give, generously, to LFA!  Every day of my life, ‘I Stand Amazed in His Presence’!!  Work on Canaan’s ‘upstairs’ hasn’t gone as quickly as Ovi (our pastor) would like it to — it has been so cold, and as I write this, it is still snowing in Romania.  But, Ovi and some of the men have been working in and on the areas they can nearly daily.  Please pray for these men’s safety.

The director of our Baby Orphanage allowed Corina (at my insistence) to go inside the orphanage and see the babies.  Corina was not allowed to go inside the rooms, but could stop by each door to see the babies.  Our precious Alin was called ‘Home’.  I am so surprised that he lasted this long.  I can hardly wait to see him in Heaven one day!!  We have new babies.  Corina tells me that one has scaley skin like a fish or a snake (ichthyosis vulgaris).  That’s forever!  It never gets better!  I know that because of her appearance, not one worker will hold, caress, or love her.  Please pray with me that the pandemic will come to a halt so that I can get back to RO and love on this precious one!

Ovi tells me that the city of Braşov is being closed down again due to COVID-19 — also Halchiu where he lives, and where our church is.  (PLEASE, Lord, lay Your healing Ovi Ovi let me know that because there has been a resurgence of COVID in Brasov, the city has been closed down – also Halchiu, the village where Ovi lives and where our church, Canaan is.  (Please pray that the Lord will place His hand on RO – on this world!)  And, I have just learned that Ovi and his wife, Carmen have COVID and their daughter, Lorena.  Also Corina and her husband have fallen ill to the virus.  Please pray for these precious ones that the Great Physician will lay His hand on them and heal them completely – and quickly.

I am just loving it that new people are getting in touch with LFA and showing great interest.  We never, never forget that this is God’s ministry – and we give Him all the honor and glory for it.  And we thank Him, ever so humbly, for choosing us to be His eyes and heart, hands and feet in ‘the other land that I love’ . . .

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory, for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness!  –  Psalm 115.1