August, 2016
I have been in Brasov in my little flat on Str. Frasinului in Noua (section of Brasov) for a little over a month now. It is ‘home’ to me – and with people whom I love – especially my precious orphans at Albina (Orphanage) and Barza Mica (Orphanage). Sadly we ‘lost’ precious little Ionela at Albina. I miss her terribly. But if you had ever seen the condition of her life, you would rejoice with me that the Lord took her Home.
We have a new baby, Stefania. She is 6 months old and is physically, beautiful! However, this precious little one is blind. It has been a JOY to minister to these physically and mentally disabled ones once again. They are God’s unique creations and deserve all the love and dignity they were created for – especially His love. We are blessed to still be able to provide the OTC meds for Albina on a bi-monthly basis. (that’s every two months) And in July we provided two small suitcases for two little girls from an upper level at the orphanage to travel to the Netherlands for a program. We, also, provide Albina with clothing year ‘round.
Also, I was able to bring 17 scrubs from the States to give to the workers. It was like Christmas for them! Please continue to pray for the Lord to use us in a greater way at Albina.
As usual, it was a love-fest re-uniting with my kids from Barza Mica! Some workers told me that although they don’t know when I am returning to them, the kids sit in anticipation on a low rock wall outside the orphanage formany days waiting – just waiting for me. They also begin to look at every plane that goes over wondering if this is the one that will bring Mama Dawn to them. (I cry!)
Not only have we kissed and hugged, and played ‘sports’, and told stories of Jesus, done crafts, had yummy snacks, have acted totally silly, but LFA has been able to provide them with some clothing. Also, Ioana and I have done a lot of praying. Upon first meeting with D-na Alina (director of Barza), we were told that the longevity of Barza’s existance at its present location was in serious question. However this week, Alina has told us that we are good for one more year. It is very unsettling. Please pray for these ‘throw-away/discarded/unwanted/unloved kids to be safe and secure in the palm of their Creator’s hand.
LFA has put out a fairly urgent letter for clothing for the kids at Barza – in particular, for elasticized pants, long-sleeved T-shirts and socks. This needs to be an on-going project. Pray over your involvement in this need . . . Contact me at for further information.
I have cherished worshiping with my Gypsy sisters and brothers in Christ again in Halchiu. Our new church is not completed, yet. The man who was doing the plumbing was stricken seriously ill and in the hospital for weeks. Please pray that the Lord will return good health to him – that he will be able to finish the plumbing – that the heating system will go in unhindered – and that we will be able to worship in Canaan (name of the church) before winter.
Ovi and Carmen held VBS with the children last week with many, many new children coming. Those children have indicated that they want to start coming to the Saturday program at Canaan. Please pray for these little ones.
In spite of a very difficult first two weeks here in RO, I would like to say with the Psalmist, David:
“Blessed be the Lord, Who daily bears our burden – The God Who is our salvation.” – Psalm 68.19