August, 2022

August, 2022

–  I absolutely praise God that despite a difficult trip, He carried me back safely one more time to ‘the other land that I love’.  (Thank You, Lord!!)  As usual, Ovi and I had great conversation on the nearly 3-hour trip to Brasov from Otopeni.  Much of what he had to tell me was difficult especially concerning the Ukrainian refugees.  (See email Update, July 16, 2022.)  He also caught me up on family and friends, and our precious folk at Canaan.

– Please pray for Ovi.  His life is overwhelming with so many to take care of.  He truly needs a time of rest.  I was very happy when he told me he wasn’t making the trip to Ukraine to deliver supplies the end of July, but rather a couple of gentlemen who wanted do an extraordinary act of service.  They, instead, made the trip.  Because of so many difficulties on the trip – it was hard! – these fellows don’t seem so eager to make another trip right away . . .

– Because of covid effecting a couple of workers at Barza Mica, I delayed going to see our ‘kids’ another week.  It turned out that I really needed the rest, too.  It was joy, joy, JOY seeing the ‘kids’, finally.  We hugged and kissed and just loved on each other – sang songs, and just talked and talked.  (Thank You, Lord, for letting me be with ‘my’ ‘kids’ once more!!

– Also it was a JOY to be with our babies again.  In my three and a half months absence, Jesus sent His angels to scoop up Maria and take her Home.  For the first time, ever, I did not feel sorrow and pain – but, rather uttered, “Thank You, Jesus!  Thank You, Jesus!  Thank You, Jesus!!”  Maria had lain on her back for all of her twenty-one years in her little 35-pound body.  And in the more recent years, she was covered with bed sores, blind and on a feeding tube.  THANK You, for taking her Home!

Just a brief note on a very special beggar whom I knew years ago, shared the Good News of our Jesus with him, and then lost touch.  We looked for him five or six years ago to no avail.  He was in such horrific physical condition those many years ago that I thought he had surely died.  However, this time here in RO, the Lord put it on my heart to search for Costi again – and we found him!!  Such a miracle.  We talked extensively concerning the past several years and then we took him to eat at an outdoor café.  In sharing God’s plan of salvation once again with him, sadly, Costi just doesn’t ‘get it’.  I will continue to pray for him and visit him from time to time.

– It has been a joy to be back with our folks at Canaan (our church in Halchiu) and to fellowship with Robert and Alina, my dear friend Alex and others.  I have much ahead of me – many complications with both orphanages, but with God’s wisdom and strength, I am trusting that many things will work out for His honor and glory.  Please pray for Love From Above – and for me, personally.

‘Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.’  – I Corinthians 15.58