September, 2022

September, 2022

I can hardly believe that August is over.  I love August!  It speaks ‘summer’ to me!  It was, however, a different few weeks.  I had a (mild) UTI, four ocular migraines, a sinus infection, and bronchitis – all within the span of two weeks.  I am absolutely praising God that I’m doing so much better, but it will be a while to build back up my strength.

Such good news!  Corina who works with me graduated from her 3-year nursing program with flying colors.  I am so proud of her!  She reminds me so much of myself when I was in school – freaking out over exams.  But she did it! – and did it well!

On a sadder note, ‘my’ precious Dani was finally scooped up by his angels and carried into the very presence of our Jesus!  My heart desperately misses him, but I rejoice that he is healed and not only being able to breathe in comfort, but is breathing Celestial air!  Also, our little curly-hair, precious Elena is in the loving presence of the Savior.

The other babies at Albina have steadily declined health-wise since being given the covid vaccine.  Such warnings the Word has for those who take advantage of, and harm poor helpless ones!   We have loved on the other babies singing to them, praying over them, playing with them, and just holding and cuddling them.

It has been the ministry’s joy to offer reading glasses to the workers at Albina – something that they could never afford.  I am so grateful to all who donated the glasses to LFA.  Also, the ministry has been able to give many pre-natal vitamins to several young pregnant mothers.  Thank you to all of you who donated them!

LFA has a new focus for a time – building an outdoor kitchen at Barza Mica.  It just means that the ‘kids’ will be so much safer should a fire ever break out.   Also, we will be continuing with Project Casa Noua in getting it renovated for use (storage, an activity room, and rooms for our orphans when needed).

Ten of our ‘kids’ from Barza had a wonderful outing at the zoo in Noua with Corina and me – and then a yummy picnic in the nearby park.  It was even more special because it was Alex’s birthday.  I have known him all twenty-two years – and it was an honor and a privilege for me to present him with his own torte complete with candle and the Romanian ‘Happy Birthday’  – and probably the first birthday gift he had ever received.  Uncharacteristic of him, he teared up – so deeply appreciative.

We have loved being with the ‘kids’ from Barza!  – stories, games, chit-chatting, delicious snacks and lots of being silly – and hugs!  I cannot imagine a higher calling on my life than being Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet to these precious marginalized ones.

LFA is still helping Ukrainian refugees, financially, in this area (Brasov) – AND still providing copious foods and supplies to the ones who couldn’t make it out of Ukraine.  PLEASE pray for these precious ones – for God’s protection over them – for them to KNOW Him!

I am beyond grateful to each and every one of you who make Love From Above Ministries possible in Romania.  THANK you!!