October, 2022

October, 2022

So many blessings in September:

– LFA was blessed once again to be able to send two vans full of food, goods, and supplies deep into Ukraine.  So many there are huddled in their basements for protection and literally, starving to death.  Not only do we bring them sustenance, but the Good News of our Jesus!

My flat has become ‘a hiding place’ for all the oils, dry goods, detergents, etc. for Barza Mica.  If they get delivered to the orphanage, the Government will take them from us.  What a privilege to serve our precious orphans in this way – to make sure they still get the nutrition they need.  How sad for a country to continue to maintain their communist mentality!

Our babies at Albina have been so very sick!  Corina and I both picked up the virus from them.  Please pray for us to heal completely – and to stay well.

It has been JOY, of course, spending time with our ‘kids’ at Barza.  They are fun, funny, and so love what we bring for them to do – with Bible stories, crafts, and games – and of course, yummy snacks!  The outdoor kitchen at Barza is nearly completed.  Thank you to all who have helped in this endeavor.  Also, we are putting a new roof on Casa Noua.  That needs to be finished before the winter comes.

We had two baby dedications at Canaan in September – and one baptism (an older fellow).  Praise God.  Our services run 55+.  Many are out of the country at any given time for employment.  Pray that these families will be committed to each other – and each one, true to our Lord while they are away.

I had an amazing visitor from America via Romania, Elena Hempsted.  She and her brother escaped Romania under communism when she was only sixteen years old.  I took her, her brother and his wife to both orphanages for a brief visit to show them the conditions of the State-run orphanages!  We ended up back at my flat for a light lunch – and interesting conversation.  I am so glad that the Lord brought Elena into my life.  She is a wife, mother, grandmother, women’s ministry leader, and author.

THANK you all so much for ‘considering the helpless’ . . .   Psalm 41.1a