December, 2018

December, 2018

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”  – Proverbs 18.16

Love From Above continued with the purchase of prescription and OTC meds in November for our babies and ‘kids’.  We also bought a door for a building we are renovating on the same property as Barza Mica.  This building will be used for storage, and a place for our ‘kids’ to go while we do our crafts, stories, music, etc.  The workers at Barza have been hard at work repairing the building, including a partial new roof.

Corina visited Barza in November and gave the kids love, hugs and kisses for me.  They sent back the same to their Mama Dawn!

LFA shipped off 26 boxes of beautiful clothing and supplies to Romania in November.  I have to add that the ministry had NO funds to do so, and the Lord sent along an individual to take care of the cost (to the tune of $700-$800!)  My heart was broken before the Lord at His goodness through His people.  I still can’t look at this individual without going to tears . . .   My heart is SO grateful!!

We have a new LFA team member in MA – Joanne Videto.  She is our new Clothing Coordinator.  I have known her for nearly 35 years, taught her girls piano, and her youngest daughter in the second grade.  I am thrilled that Joanne has come aboard.  She loves Love From Above Ministries, is diligent, not afraid of a little hard work, and a joy to work with.

Patti Belcher, our former Clothing Coordinator has moved into a new position – LFA’s (my!) tech support.  While I’m not tech-savvy, Patti is!  Praise God!

And for Chuck Woodward, our accountant – Rhonda Chabot, LFA’s office manager/bookkeeper – Jon Varney, our media coordinator and all the board members, John Goetz, Linda Schillberg and Jonathan Mattera, I love working along-side you!  You support the ministry a hundred percent, encourage me, and are ready to do so many things outside your ‘title’.  I love you all . . . !

I was blessed to speak at a Missionary Conference (November 17,18) in Baileyville, Maine – Woodland Baptist, my home church.  Saturday evening, we had a most amazing pot luck supper (as only they can turn out in Maine – thank you ladies!) and then I presented Love From Above.  It was a blessed time!  There were three more speakers on Sunday – and I can’t remember when I have been more inspired!!  Three people, literally, changing the different parts of the world God has called them to.  I know that they made anyone listening review their thinking process concerning how they can be Jesus’ eyes and heart, hands and feet!  I felt so privileged to minister with them.  I just re-read the verse at the top of the page . . .

A most Blessed and Merry Christmas to you as we celebrate the birth of the Savior!