December, 2021

December, 2021

The Updates are beginning to sound like a ‘broken record’.  There are still, many, many deaths from covid in Romania from people who are very afraid to take the vaccine – even medical personnel.   Our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica were forced to take the vaccine-booster shot – and many have been very ill following it.

(Pastor) Ovi was told only a month ago that he couldn’t have his usual Christmas program with the children in the village of Halchiu – neither in the schools, or in the village square.  However, I have just heard from him and he has been given (written) permission to go into the schools with the Good News of our Jesus.  What good news!!  I truly am praising our God from Whom all blessings flow!!

We – Love From Above – that’s you and I – are providing our precious orphans with foods and meds regularly.  THANK you – for caring so much for these precious ones!

I have learned that many new babies have entered Albina (orphanage).  How very sad!  I only wish I could be there right now to love them, hold them, feed, and comfort them.  James 1.27 says that ‘true religion is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction’.  Please pray that the Lord will reveal to me new and better ways for us to minister to these thrown-away, discarded, and abused precious little souls.  We are His eyes and heart, hands and feet.  I want so much to do a better job to that which He called me (us).

Great news!  We shipped off 28 boxes (449#) of clothing in November to our regular villages, Halchiu and Bahnea.  Thank you for all of you who give.  (Matthew 25.36)

Please pray over such helpless and hopeless ones in Romania – ‘the other land that I love’.  And would you please pray for me as I have an arthroscopic procedure on my right knee on December 1.  Please pray for improvement in usage on that knee injured way back in my high school days – and then in the injury it received disembarking a plane in Frankfurt in October.  And, please pray for a quick and complete recovery.  It is of utmost importance that I return to our babies and ‘kids’ at some point this winter.  A most Blessed Christmas to you as we collectively celebrate the birth of the King of kings, and the Lord of lords – JESUS!