January, 2022

January, 2022

So many wonderful things went on in December, 2021! 

In the Fall, Ovi had been denied taking a Christmas celebration (true meaning of Christmas, small gifts, and goodies) into the public schools – or even holding a Christmas program in our church, Canaan.  All of this because of covid!  However, early in December, the mayor of Halchiu, himself, gave Ovi permission to hold the Christmas program in the schools.  What an answer to prayer.  Not only did the children hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, but the teachers, too.  Praise God!

Our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica put on a Christmas program led by a head worker at the orphanage.  A dear friend, Alex, who worked with me years ago and some of his colleagues not only attended the program but took the ‘kids’ many gifts and sweets.  Corina, who works with me was also able to go.  She took the ‘kids’ sweets for me, and more importantly gave them a message from me concerning how much I love each and every one of them.  It was also my desire, of course, to give a small gift to the director and a couple of other workers.  Corina was so kind to take care of that for me, too.

Finally got the orthopedic knee procedure done the first of December that I needed to have done in order to get back to our babies and ‘kids’ at Albina and Barza.  Physical therapy is going (fairly) well, and I am praying that I will be able to return to my beloved Romania the first of February.

Plans are going well for LFA’s Anniversary Celebration to be held at my home church, Faith Alliance, in Attleboro on May 28, 2022.  I am beyond excited about this.  Our theme will be, ‘Look What God Has Done!’

Prayer request, please, for all those still getting covid in Romania.  Pray for our Great Physician’s healing hand to rest on our babies and kids, in particular.  The country has been informed that mid-January, 2022 will be the worst so far concerning the virus.

A most Blessed and Happy New Year to you all!

‘The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior Who saves.  He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.’  – Zephaniah 3.17