February, 2022

February, 2022

GREAT news!!   Lord willing, I leave for my beloved Romania on February 2.  I can hardly wait!!  This will be a quick trip – just six weeks.  I would truly appreciate prayer for everything to go well with the airports – and with covid testing.  Please pray that my knee would heal up really well and not give me trouble traveling, or in RO.

Not good news . . .    Our dear ‘old Ana’ slipped into the arms of her Jesus the 17th of January.  She was buried on the 20th.  Her death was the result of her son’s beating her.  This same fellow is the one I spent time with on two occasions addressing his behavior – AND his soul.  I’m thinking that when you are drunk, you forget all the good you were taught.  This man deserves the full extent of the law, but I still pray for his soul . . . !    This has been most upsetting especially to Ovi – to the church community (Canaan) – to her village – and to me.  My stomach has been sick and the tears have flowed not just because our precious ‘old Ana’ passed away, but because of the horrific conditions of her whole life – and then, in the manner she passed!

Covid has been rampant in Romania – still.  People hesitate to have the vaccines because of concern for what is in the vaccine.  I won’t go into it, but they are right to be concerned.

In spite of everything, God is good – and yes, all the time.  He is worthy of our praise no matter what may come.  ‘He is the same yesterday, today, and forever’ – and He loves us absolutely unconditionally.

We love Himbecause He first loved us.   – 1 John 4:19