December, 2023

December, 2023

AS always, I love seeing everyone back in the States – I have missed folks! – but it also deeply saddens me to have to leave our precious orphans each time.  I’ve been asked this before, but just days ago, beautiful Raluca from Barza Mica asked me if I would be her mother – and could I please take her to America with me.  How do you answer that?!  This is only one circumstance in which I ask you to pray for me for wisdom, wisdom and more wisdom.  There are many more . . .

It is with great JOY that I can tell you I got to visit our ‘littles’ 5 times at Albina orphanage.  It was under much distress that I did so.  If I had been caught by government officials, I would have been deported from Romania – forever.  But, having all the scrub tops that you ladies in the States donated, I just had to get those to the workers – to each shift, individually – and while there was allowed to visit the ‘littles’ briefly.  It was in no way how it used to be staying hours with these precious little ones at least a couple of times a week, but to be able to see them at all was bitter/sweet.  Sweet, just to see them – but they are in horrible condition.  I have to trust that our Lord sends angels to minister to them.  (PLEASE, Lord!)

THANK you for all the scrub tops – for the reading glasses – for ALL you give and do for our Lord’s work here in Romania.  I love serving Him alongside you!!  One of the workers burst out one day not long ago, “You are wonderful!!”  Well, no.  And besides it is all of you who do the giving – and I let them know that.  But, I’m just trying to say how much everything you do means more than you’ll ever know to even the workers!

Snow already here in jud. Brasov!  But the bears are so ‘thick’ here in the mountains and foot hills that maybe it will drive them into hibernation, finally!  Just walking from the main building to Casa Noua with our ‘kids’ at B. Mica, we have to be very careful of the bears there.  Once at Casa Noua, we have had the best time with our ‘kids’.  Singing, playing games, yummie snacks including pumpkin pie (without the crust), cereal w/milk (which they never get and are crazy about), brownies with loads of M&M’s – and we’ve had a couple of guests visit them with stories, music and activities.  Also, we have new Bible stories on DVD’s  – and we’ve done all kinds of crafts including making Christmas cards which you will see on FB soon.

Thank you for all you do!!  Each month, you provide the funds for their meds, food, all their legumes (veggies) for the next 7 months, plus so much more!  THANK you!!

PLEASE don’t forget Ukraine!  Just because you don’t hear about them much, or anymore, on the news doesn’t mean that they are not still in the battle of their lives – Kindergartens, baby hospitals, schools bombed every day by a really evil government.  If you can, please help support LFA’s efforts to help them prayerfully and financially!

Most WONDERFUL news concerning the Thermal Socks Project.  The end-date for the project was October 31 with a goal of 1000 pairs of thermal socks for Ukrainian soldiers.  This was God’s project with my just being His eyes and heart, hands and feet.  And just like our amazing Lord God Almighty, HE exceeded the number of socks that he had placed upon my heart!  1233 pairs!!!  I truly stand amazed in His presence every day!!

I fly out to MA on December 2.  I would appreciate prayer for an uneventful trip – especially a bit easier time in the airports in this return trip.  A most BLESSED and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!

“For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us and the government will rest on His shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” – Isaiah 9.6