November, 2023

November, 2023

I praise God for ‘Summer-bonus’ days in October.  I have been in RO when it snowed at the end of August!  And it snows often in October.  Our climate is much like New England’s where the saying is, “If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute . . . “   You never know what a season is going to bring here in ‘the other land that I love’, either.

As you may know, all foreign volunteers have been banned from entering Romania’s orphanages.  Thankfully, the director of the big orphanage has welcomed us with open arms to be there as much as we desire.  However, it has broken my heart not to be able to visit the littles’ orphanage.  Because at least one volunteer whom I know so bad-mouthed the littles’ orphanage, the media turned the whole situation into a nightmare!  Because of that one (or more), everyone gets punished.

But! – because of so many of you ladies who donated (77) scrub tops for the workers at the littles’ orphanage, I have been able to see our precious little ones on two occasions while delivering the tops.  The visit was literally in and out of each of their rooms, but at least I got to see them – and pray over each one briefly.  I miss them desperately!

We had an amazing time ministering in the village of Bachnea(!) – to a hundred children!!  I presented them with the story of the ‘Wordless Book’ – we played games, sang – and each child left with a toy and a snack.  Also, as usual, several little girls got to take home one of the beautiful hand-made dresses that my friend Jean Cossey has made each year for nearly 20 years.  What a gift from the Lord to share with precious ones who would never be able to afford anything as lovely!

We also had a wonderful visit with Costi – a crippled beggar from Predeal whom I met many, many years ago in Olde Brasov.  His life is beyond pathetic!  Over a yummie meal together at a restaurant, I gave him a New Testament (again!) – and 3 tracts.  I SO pray that he will ‘get it’ – and give his life to Christ!

And, amazing news!!  The Thermal Socks Project!!  God put it in my heart to ‘raise’ a thousand pairs of thermal socks for Ukrainian soldiers.  When I read that a 1000 soldiers lost their feet due to frost-bite last winter in the war, I just knew I had to do something about it!  I am thrilled to tell you that we far exceeded the thousand pairs of socks, and they are on their way the first of November to Romania, and then via a van to Ukraine.  Ukrainian pastors whom I met (and fed in my flat last August) will hand out the socks – PLUS, the Good News of our Jesus.  I truly stand amazed in His presence!  THANK you to all of you who donated thermal socks to this project.  Truly, may our Lord bless you double-fold!!

Thank you for being Philippians 2.4 in action  – “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”