October, 2023

October, 2023

Never ready to ‘release’ summer, I am so thankful to God for giving us bonus ‘summer’ days!  I am never quite ready for the Fall season as beautiful as it is simply because of what follows . . .

We have LOVED being with our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica!  This past week, we had their favorite all-time snack, chip ‘n dip.  You know, the (dehydrated) Lipton Onion Soup with sour cream.  I even caught a few licking their plates!  😊  They love their Bible stories (it’s amazing what some of them can remember) – and as of late, I have added classic fairy-tale stories.  Sometimes, I even have an animated video of the story.  Since the director has been banished to a couple of other orphanages for a time, we have made her lovely cards telling her how much she is loved and missed.

Still!! – no papers to be at Barza legally, or to visit any other orphanage.  Period.  Please pray that the Lord will change the minds and hearts of those who seem to be in control – for now, at least.

On Saturday evening, September 16, we had a lovely celebration of Love From Above here in Romania.  It gave me the opportunity to honor and thank all those who have been involved in the ministry over the years.  There were about 40 in attendance – and at least 10 others invited who couldn’t make it to the celebration.  With the venue for the celebration being Canaan, my church in Halchiu, the program consisted of:

Greeting and prayer  — showing of the 2015 LFA celebration video — ‘tons’ of pizza — stuffed mushrooms — crackers w/meat and cheese — salad –olives –chips — and more finger foods.   This was followed by my honoring each one in attendance, personally, for their help in the ministry over the years.  What a joy to be able to do that.  The Lord has gathered the most precious folks around the ministry over the years!

Then! – there was the celebratory cake, half chocolate and half white (both with fresh strawberry filling).  The top was decorated to look like the Romanian flag and in the center was an edible LFA logo.  On the table were also candy, nuts, and cozonac.  Centerpieces were lit jars stuffed full of blue, yellow and red (confetti) paper with Romanian and American flags standing in them.  Everyone got to take home one or more of the flags with them, a red block with LFA’s logo on it, and ‘tons’ of left over pizza.   It was like old-home week having not seen many of the folks for a few years.

Once again, LFA was financially able in September to partially support food, goods, etc. to Ukraine.  Because of the lack of funds donated in August, we were not able to send as much.  Please God, forgive us . . .  !

Thermal Sock Project:  If you would like to contribute thermal socks for Ukrainian Soldiers to wear this winter, please consider it.  I learned that last winter at least a thousand soldiers lost their feet/lower legs due to frost bite.  If you would like more information on this, please contact me at   lvfrmabv@yahoo.com

“If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?  So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”   –   James 2:15,16