November, 2015 – Happy Thanksgiving
November is the month when we think, perhaps more than other times of the year, just how much we have to be thankful for. With this all culminating on Thanksgiving Day, we love spending time with family, friends and way too much food! J Before my sons left home for school and to start their own families, we would go around the table before feasting, naming that for which we were most thankful. After a while, we began to ‘change it up’ and one year before dinner was served, we all (including daughters-in-love, at this point) wrote what we were thankful for on a silk Fall-colored leaf and put it in a basket. At the table, each of us drew a leaf out of the basket, read what was on it and then tried to guess who had written it.
I’ll never forget the ‘leaf’ that said, “Second chances”. This particular son was grateful that God had given him a ‘second chance’ to start his life over – on many levels. I think of King David in the Bible who got a second chance (and more) – also, Moses and Peter, the Prodigal son and others. I am so glad that “You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.” (Psalm 86:15)
This year I am deeply grateful for my family, friends, the incredible work God has given me in Romania through Love From Above, the ministry’s supporters – but none, more than the redemptive work Christ performed for me (us) at Calvary. A most blessed Thanksgiving to you all!