January, 2017
I wish I had better news for you this month concerning Barza Mica. The inspections did not bode well for the orphanage. In what we believe is the government’s motivation to gain the orphanage building for themselves, two weeks ago they demanded truly ridiculous proposals for Barza. In order for the building to pass inspection, last summer they began demanding an overhaul of the physical structure. Thinking that that could never be accomplished, we were able to do that. The director was told that if she didn’t leave, her salary would be cut. They cut it – and she didn’t leave. This woman is dedicated to our precious orphans. They also said they would cut the workers’ salaries. They did – but the workers didn’t leave.
They, then, demanded all new pajamas, bathrobes and towels for each orphan. Next, it was brand new shoes for each one – plus new and specific clothing. Love From Above was able to provide that. There were more demands, and the Lord saw that each was taken care of. However, in December with the government’s inspection finding all their needs had been met, I believe, had to come up with extraordinary measures to push us out. They informed the director that the orphanage would need to have its own doctor, nurse and masseuse. Ridiculous! Also, that the orphanage would need more bathrooms knowing very well that there would be no space to put them. PLEASE pray for the director. She is struggling with cancer, and then has the mental anguish of trying to protect our kids – knowing that the government has no plans to place our precious ‘kids’ elsewhere.
The good news is that it seems the Lord has put in my and Ovi’s heart at the same time to seek an opportunity to speak with those in charge in the government. I knew that I would have to wait until February when I return (Lord willing), but Ovi just shared in a phone conversation with me that he wants to get involved this month. He wants to talk with the director, find out just who it is that is in the government that is so diabolically maneuvering this action, and then speak with them himself. PLEASE be praying over Ovi – and then me, when I return. These precious young people are just that – precious! They are created in the image of God and deserve His very best. After knowing and loving these young people for sixteen years, my heart is being ripped out by the old Communist mentality of those in charge. Please – much prayer . . . !
In spite of all of this, there was a very bright and happy moment concerning Barza Mica in December. Their Christmas program! And although it required my getting up at 3:00 in the middle of the night to be rallied enough to watch the kids’ program at 3:30 (10:30a, their time) via Skype, it was more than worth it! Eight of ‘my’ kids from Barza sang several Romanian Christmas songs, and three or four were able to recite a poem. They could see me on Alex’ laptop screen. Alex is a dear young man who worked with me for three years, translating. The kids and I threw kisses to each other – and some of the staff and I exchanged Christmas greetings. The director and I exchanged greetings a couple of times. After the program, the kids and I all told each other how much we loved and missed each other. Claudio had never seen me on screen, but somehow knew it was me. So he bent down to Alex’ screen and kissed my image. Several others did that. But, it was when Mihaela came toward the laptop with her arms opened wide and crying ‘Mama Dawn’ that I lost it! What a wonderful Christmas present!! Lord willing, I will be with them all again in February!
The update on Canaan (our new church being built in Halchiu) is (drum roll, please) ready to be moved into. It is not finished, but if needed, it could be occupied. However, the ‘bar’ where we have worshipped the past several years has not sold and young pastor, Ovi Stalici feels that since we don’t have to vacate the bar quite yet, that it is best to stay there a while longer, and use this time to do work that yet has to be finished on the church. As a reminder, work on the church has moved slowly (compared to here in America) due to waiting for funds which to the contractors, made us a ‘side job’. Secondly, they don’t have the equipment that we have that makes construction move along as quickly. Thirdly, there has been much illness with the contractors doing the jobs. And lastly, so far, this winter in Romania has been brutally cold with a lot of snow. One contractor worked in sub-freezing weather resulting in his being hospitalized again. Bottom line is, though, if we were ‘pushed’ out of the ‘bar’ today, we would be able to move into Canaan! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! Thank you for your faithfulness in giving – for trusting GOD (and Ovi – and me) through this ‘project’. We will still need funds for lighting, chairs, finishing the upstairs space (fellowship room and kitchen), etc. But, we have much over which to rejoice!!
To all those who wonder what they can do for Love From Above (or their local church, or another ministry), please enjoy this short video. My beautiful granddaughter, Belle who is 9 and three of her equally beautiful friends – Karlee, 8 – Maia, 7 – and Chyler, 6 set a cup on a box on the sidewalk on Christmas Eve Day, and sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”, and accepted donations for Love From Above – all unbeknownst to me!! How precious! I mean, who else would think to do that? This was another one that brought me to tears. We have a lot of creativeness in giving in this ministry, but this was a first!! I love it! :))
Ephesians 1.8 – And, I LOVE your ‘love in the Spirit’ for my precious ones in Romania who SO need us . . . A most blessed 2017 to you!