January, 2020

January, 2020

A most Blessed and Happy New Year to you!  I can hardly believe I am writing ‘2020’!  I look forward to all that our most High CEO, CFO, CIO, COO (and more) has for Love From Above in the new year.  But first of all a few highlights from December, 2019 —

LFA was able, once again, to take care of all the OTC and prescription meds for Barza Mica and Albina (orphanages).  Praise God for His provision for these ‘least of these’!

I got to ‘attend’ the annual Christmas party at Barza again this year on December 23 – and may I add at 4:00a!!  Of course, Romania’s being seven hours ahead of us, it was held at 11:00a, their time.  I admit it is tough getting up at 3:30 in the night, but the JOY of seeing my precious ones recite some lines and sing songs is more than worth it.  And nothing compares to any of it when the ‘kids’ see me on Alex’ phone (Skyping) and say, “Mama Dawn, Mama Dawn” over and over  – and “Te iubesc!” (I love you)  It’s then that the tears begin to flow.  My deepest thanks to Alex Bulai who made all this possible this year.

I don’t know any more about this right now, but we have a new baby at Albina.  Although this is the worst possible situation for a little one to have to be born into, there is some excitement in my heart knowing that I will be so privileged to ‘love on’ this precious little unwanted, unloved, thrown-away, discarded one – who was created in the image of God – no matter the condition of the baby.

Sad news – the father of my translator, Corina, and Alex whom I mentioned above, and also, Alina, my dear friend for 19 years, passed away in December.  It has been devastating for the Bulai family.  Please lift them before the Throne in prayer . . .

There is such wonderful news, too.  Ioana, the wind-beneath-my-wings and my right hand/arm who worked with me for more than six years is pregnant with Baby Abel!  I am so excited for her and her husband, Radu.  I feel like I’m going to be a grandmother – again!  As a physician at a local hospital, Ioana has just gone on maternity leave.  I can hardly wait to see her!

Prayer need:  the ministry needs a new (different car).  The old one went its last mile (kilometer)!  Ovi sold the car for me – and is now looking for one to replace it.  Please pray that the Lord will lead me to exactly the right one for the ministry.  If you would like to have part in helping to provide this car, PLEASE let me know.

Please pray, too, for Elisabeta Tompi (Robert’s mother/Alina’s mother-in-law).  This precious woman is who is overseer of LFA Clothing ministry in the village of Bahnea is not well physically.  Please take her before the Great Physician for healing – and such good health.

And always, please pray over Canaan, our new church in HalchiuPlease pray for Ovi, founder and pastor of the church for good health, and the wisdom to shepherd a flock whose needs are many and varied.

I am praising our Almighty God that His mercies are new every morning – every year – and look forward to His mercies towards LFA in 2020!  Thank you for serving our Almighty God along-side me. 

‘So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady.  Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord’s service is ever useless.’  – I Corinthians 15.58