June, 2016

June, 2016

Joyous news!   A single donor contributed not only the final third of the funds to finish installing the plumbing for our Gypsy Church, Canaan in the village of Halchiu, but also the entire amount to have the whole heating system installed.  Can you say with me – ‘Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!’?   Every time I even think about it, my heart starts ‘crazy’ beating!  I’m excited beyond measure!  I sent my dear friend and young pastor of the church, Ovidiu Starlici (Ovi), the money on June 25.  He said that he and his wife, Carmen were in shock for two days.  Why is it that we ask God for something and then can hardly believe it when He answers?!  Be assured that as the work progresses, I will be adding pictures to the website from Romania.  Look under ‘Projects’ and click on ‘Halchiu’.

And yes, I get to return to my beloved Romania, Lord willing on June 23.  Return date to the States is September 21.  I can hardly wait to see ‘my’ precious babies and orphans!!!  I dream about them!  Please do not neglect to pray over them.  They bear the scars of what has been so cruelly dealt to them from birth.

Anto, the very challenging worker at Barza Mica who has been so inhumane to the kids, is no longer there.  Look for my updates written from RO to learn the details as I get them.

My beautiful translator, friend, wing-beneath-my-wings, Ioana had emergency surgery to have her gall bladder removed in May.  She feels that she will be well enough to work two days a week with me at Albina Orphanage starting in July.  I’ll have to wait until I get there to see how she really is.  Her fiancé, Radu will be working with me three days a week at Barza Mica.  And, then they get married in September!!

Tihi, the builder of Love From Above’s website and his beautiful bride, Adele were married in May.  SO wish I could have been there for their wedding!  If you want to see what he looks like, go to ‘Partnership’, click on ‘Volunteers’ and then again on ‘Volunteers Romania’ and scroll all the way down.  That’s him!  Tihamer Szasz!  THANK you, Tihi for creating such an amazing website for LFA – and for all that you continue to do for it!

There will be a slight change in the operational function of the website beginning this month.  Instead of Tihi’s posting ‘Update’ and ‘Sharing’ monthly, Jon Varney will be doing that for the website.  THANK you, Jon!

Please pray for me to be very aware of all that the Lord needs me to do this three months in jud. Brasov.  Also, please pray that I will have good health.  And pray that my beloved Romanians will see Jesus through me.