June, 2021

June, 2021

Just got the most wonderful news.  An American friend in Romania whom I have known for twenty years told me that an American couple flew into RO successfully this past week to work with his ministry.  I am overjoyed!!  I’ve been waiting for June 1 when the EU will make an announcement concerning when the EU countries will open their borders.  It is looking good!  My heart is bursting with JOY!!

Work is progressing on ‘Project Upstairs’ at Canaan, our church in Halchiu.  Floors are going in and the bathroom, etc.  I am praising God for this.  Please pray that it will be completed by the end of June in order that the Romanian government won’t close our doors!!

Covid seems to be lessening in Romania.  I praise God for this, too!

The Lord has blessed Love From Above (HIS work) in being able to continue supplying both orphanages with meds – and the big orphanage with food.  We have also been making repairs and updating the physical orphanage.  LFA has kept up providing food for some pretty precious and desperate ones at our church – and has continued to provide for 5 or 6 rents.  THANK you to all of you who have made this possible.  I think every time I say, “I love your Philippians 2.4 hearts” – and I will keep on saying it.  You are amazing – your concern for others and especially when you don’t even know them!  It is a joy to serve our Master along-side you.

Well, it seems as if my heart will burst before I can get back to my beloved Romania!  I miss my babies, ‘kids’ and friends more than you can know . . . !

‘So be sure to give to the poor.  Don’t hesitate to give to them, because the Lord your God will bless you for doing this good thing . . .’  Deuteronomy 15.10