July, 2021

July, 2021

Best news yet!  I have plane reservations from Logan to Bucharest on July 7 – arriving in Romania July 8!!  I am absolutely beside myself.  We all have seen how fast the world can change after this past year, so in all caps, I say ‘LORD WILLING’, I will be returning to ‘the other land that I love’!!  Hopefully, the next news you get will be written from my beloved Romania . . .    I am beyond excited to see our babies and ‘kids’.  It will have been a year and nearly five months since I saw them last.

As usual, the Romanian officials were not forthcoming with us concerning ‘Project Upstairs’.  It is not only the ‘upstairs’ to Canaan that needs to be completed, but minor projects on the first floor.  That information came just three weeks ago.  Rather than have the doors to our church closed, I offered Ovi the funds to hire help in finishing the work.  At first, he refused thinking of the cost, but it finally became necessary for us to do so.  Our almighty God, the founder of Canaan, HIS church in Halchiu (Romania) is amazing.  His will be done!!

Because I am headed back to RO this time in unfamiliar circumstances, I would truly appreciate your prayer over me as well as Love From Above.  Please pray for so much wisdom for me – at every turn.

And please always feel free to share your prayer requests with me.  We are the ‘Family of God’ and are in this together!

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you (us) will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”  – Philippians 1.6