August, 2021

August, 2021

Can you believe it?  I am writing this Update from ‘the other land that I love’ – Romania!!  It is like a miracle that I am here one more time after the past year and a half have been such uncertain times!

I am settled in my little flat in Brasov.  I can’t share the details here (in print), but I have been able to ‘love on’, cherish, and hold our babies at the Baby orphanage – and have an absolute ‘love fest’ with our ‘kids’ at the big orphanage!  I just keep wanting to use the word ‘miracle’ . . . !

I can report that our church, Canaan, has been blessed to the extent that the government officials have deemed that it is okay for us to continue to worship together.  Thank you to all who were involved in ‘Project Upstairs’ (which became ‘Project Downstairs’ and ‘Project Outside’).  There is still much work that needs to be completed.  We would love it if you felt led to help with baseboards, bathroom fixtures and lights, chairs and tables, office furniture for Ovi, and the kitchen set-up (stove, fridge, table, dishes, pots and pans, etc.).

Sunday, July 18 was a day of rejoicing!  We dedicated Canaan to our Lord.  The church was packed even out into the entry way – special speakers (I was actually one – a very humbled one) – a most wonderful dedicatory message from our pastor, Ovi – great fellowship – and more pizza than I have ever seen in one place (plus sweets) to be enjoyed by everyone after the service.  Over and over in my mind I thought, “LOOK WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!”

Please rejoice with me for all that God has done.  Please pray with me that the next two-plus months of my time in Romania will go smoothly health-wise – and in so many other ways.  As always, thank all of you who love, pray for, and support (in so many ways) what God is doing through HIS ministry, Love From Above, in Romania.  (If you are reading this but would like more details of my time and the ministry in Romania, send me your email address to receive the Updates.)

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve . . . .” – Mark 10.45