June, 2022

June, 2022

SO much to praise our Almighty God for this past month!  Thanks to you, the ministry has been able to continue to provide meds and food for our two orphanages that we look after (Albina and Barza Mica).  Also, we have provided food for them – and love, love, love!

Thanks to you, we continue to take care of the needs of hundreds of Ukrainian refugees every month.  Please pray for their protection, for the war to stop, for some normalcy of life to return for them.  Pray, too, please, that as Ovi gets to share Christ with the refugees, that their eyes and ears and heart will be opened to the Good News!

We can’t even begin to praise our Lord enough for Love From Above’s glorious 22nd anniversary celebration!  We had 135+ people in attendance enjoying a most delicious Romanian dinner (ham, roasted potatoes, coleslaw, bread, and what I sometimes dub as Romania’s national ‘dish’, sarmale).  For dessert, a celebratory cake in the colors of Romania’s flag, gogosi, and cozona – plus, coffee.

Table centerpieces were created with both American and Romanian flags with little white lights.  Upon entering the church (Faith Alliance in Attleboro, MA) people stepped onto a red carpet in the shape of a huge cross.  Hors d’oeuvres were followed by a viewing time in the transformed gym of our orphans amazing artwork.  Also, three tables were filled with artifacts from Romania.  Guests were encouraged to take artwork or artifacts as a ‘thank you’ from LFA for their faithful prayer and support over the 22 years.  There was more elaborate décor – look for pictures on FB . . .

We praise God for His faithfulness to HIS ministry through Love From Above in Romania.  The theme to the evening was – LOOK! WHAT GOD HAS DONE.  That was portrayed on a banner – and another banner announcing LFA’s 22nd anniversary.   After dessert, we proceeded into the auditorium/sanctuary for a new video showing some of LFA’s work.  Its theme was – “I See the Lord”

It was a Spirit-filled and thrilling evening.  One that I – and others will not forget any time soon.  All praise and honor and glory to that One, high and lifted up . . . !!

“Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory . . .”  Ps. 115.1