May, 2022

May, 2022

– Love From Above has continued to provide our babies at Albina (orphanage) with their meds – has continued to provide our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica with meds and food.  Please remember that serving the orphans was my first ‘calling/assignment’ in Romania.  They will always be taken care of first.

– We also shipped 400+ pounds of clothing and supplies to Bahnea and Halchiu in April.  And besides that, we have fed and given supplies to some 1000 Ukrainian refugees this past month.  And all of that is because of your loving giving hearts.  THANK you!!  Do you actually know what you have done . . . ?!

– Corina tells our kids at Barza Mica that Mama Dawn loves them so very much each time she sees them.  They always ask if I am coming back to them.  When I am with them and they ask me that, I always tell them, “Lord willing, I will be back with you”.

– On a very, very sad note, my precious Ioana (‘the wind beneath my wings’) who worked with me for six years all the while she was in med school, and has become a doctor has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  It is devastating!  For her!  For all who know her!  I’m not going into detail here, but she has shared her emotions with me and also all the medical attention she has been receiving the past few weeks.  I would just ask you to, please, pray over her.  Her life will never be the same again . . .

– On a joyous note, Ovi and a friend drove two vans full of food and supplies 8 hours into Ukraine.  We were praying diligently over them for safety in the country and safety traveling – and to have great ministry to the ones they found while giving them food, water and whatever else they needed.  Ovi said that after being there once, he just has to go back.  Lord willing, I will be able to go with them when I return to ‘the other land that I love’ in July!

Please keep Love From Above in your prayers.  We desperately need it – and on so many levels.  Philippians 4:6,7 –  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”