April, 2022

April, 2022

What a blessed, confusing, wonderful, difficult time in Romania for six weeks (February and March).  The Lord had much for me to do and experience.  It was a time of limping, physically and emotionally through ‘the other land that I love’.   Not only had my knee not healed up enough from surgery so that I had to limp through my time there, but my older brother passed away – right on the heels of my sister’s Homegoing in November (2021) leaving me as the last sibling.  On top of that, I learned with much disconsolation, information concerning our orphanages (which I will share when I know more about it).

It was Corina’s and my JOY to love on our precious little ones at Albina – and to love, laugh, and enjoy our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica.  Those ‘kids’ had great fun in making some artwork for Love From Above’s anniversary celebration this coming May 28.

LFA also continued to provide for all the meds, food, heat and more for our orphanages, plus for many from Canaan, our church in Halchiu.  Along with hands on every day in Romania, the administrative work never ends.

Added to all of that, this time, Russia declared war on one of our (Romania’s) neighboring countries.  Talk about being ‘instant in season and out of season’, there was no time to think – and only time to pray as we were moving into action to help the precious Ukrainian refugees. To make a very long story, short – LFA immediately was able to help the refugees in providing mattresses to the shelters, pillows, blankets, food water, clothing, toiletries, and so much more that Ovi took by the vanload to the Romanian/Ukrainian border. This was all thanks to you, precious LFA supporters.  I was beyond delighted that we could become our Lord’s eyes and heart, hands and feet in such an unusual, and so needed way.  I felt fulfilled within this ministry – until . . .

. . . God put it in my heart to also go to the Romanian/Ukrainian border – and for a specific reason — to minister to the women who had fled their homes on a moment’s notice with only the clothes on their back, with their children in tow.  Many ran for up to 8 days on foot (sometimes in only slippers or flip-flops through the woods and snow to reach a shelter.  My time with several of these women (mostly young mothers) was beyond any expectation I could have ever imagined.  In short, I told them how sorry I was for what they were going through – and that I loved them.   We talked while eating home-made brownies I had taken them – and ultimately stood in a circle holding hands while I prayed over them with a prayer including God’s plan of salvation.

I returned to the States on March 15 more broken (not just limping) than I had ever been before especially having seen a bit what war can do to a people – a nation.  I took several days to heal and cleanse through the Word – and just sitting at the piano singing to my Jesus how much I love Him.

I would appreciate prayer for Ovi.  He is busy with three shelters and with very little rest, it is becoming overwhelming for him.  Please pray for him.

Because He lives, we can live forever!  As we commemorate Resurrection Day this month, my heart is filled with so much more love for the One Who loved me so much that He died for me (and for you!).