March, 2019

March, 2019

I am so grateful to have landed in Bucharest via Atlanta and Paris on February 5 safe and sound.  The trip is grueling, at best – but when it is uneventful, I feel so blessed.  It’s wonderful to be back in my home (my little flat in Brasov)!  I took the first week to get through jet-lag, and then was right back at Barza Mica as if I’d never been away.

The second and third days of the second week, though, found us snow-bound.  SO much snow!  And so very cold!  I was beyond delighted to be reunited with our kids at Barza, but not all was well.  My little drooler, Stefi, had passed away.  My heart was beyond sad especially learning that because she was an orphan, she was just left in a hallway at the hospital receiving absolutely no attention, not even a drop of water.  I have no words to express my thoughts concerning the mentality towards orphans here in RO.  There is a lot of anger, sadness, and incomprehensiveness that flows through me.  One day!  One day, these precious fatherless-motherless ones will receive the respect and honor they are due.  It is that hope that keeps me doing what I do.

In the meantime, we have played so many games, story-told, sung with and just loved on our ‘kids’ at Barza.  Mm-mm-m, they really loved the pumpkin squares I made them!   At Albina in Codlea, the babies are so sick!  Corina, my translator and I have been told to wear masks this time.  But we have enjoyed seeing and being with these precious little ones who still just lie on their backs day in and day out.  We have a new baby.  Marius is just a year old – a plump little one.  He is blind and the muscles in his back are not functioning properly.  Because of his beautiful curly hair – and lots of it – I have already nicknamed him, ‘my little lamb’.  He is beautiful!

Thanks to you ladies in the States, the workers at Albina have all received a beautiful scrub top.  I was even able to find some XXX tops for one of our ladies who hadn’t received a top previously.  They are all so grateful to you – and can’t believe that you would care about them.  THANK you!

Loved having Ioana (wing-beneath-my-wings who worked with me for six and a half years) on a Friday afternoon.  We had so much to catch up on.  Her husband, Radu, joined us for dinner at 6:00p – driving in a terrible snow storm to get here.  I had Ioana text me when they got back home.  We had a great time, and I was so glad the Lord carried them back to their place safely.

On a Wednesday afternoon, Ovi and I went on visitation to several families in Satu Nou.  Out of ten families, only one had electricity.  Knowing that before I went, I took them staples/foods that would not require refrigeration.  You would not believe the level of poverty in which these precious people exist.  Some of the families were Christians, and it was a joy to encourage them.  It was a great privilege to share Christ with a couple of other families who don’t know the Lord.

My heart’s desire is that the Lord will use me until He calls me Home – to be His eyes and heart, hands and feet.  Faith Alliance Church’s vision statement is: ‘Give all – for all – to find and follow Jesus’.  I pray that for all of us . . .

“It is the Lord your God you must follow, and Him you must revere.  Keep His commands and obey Him; serve Him and hold fast to Him.”    – Deuteronomy 13.4