April, 2019

April, 2019

March was a busy month.  Lots of snow – a broken down laptop – a broken down car – but some really good things, too!

For the scrub tops you provided for the workers at Albina (orphanage), one of the five shifts were SO thrilled that they bought me gifts! – a Romanian sack, a Romanian plaque and a clock with all-things Romania on it.  In my thank-you note, I was able to share my love for Jesus with them explaining how Jesus came to serve – how could I do any less . . .

Also, during my last week at Albina, one of the workers was really interested in knowing why I ‘am like I am’.  She asked if I was born a Christian!  I had a wonderful time sharing the love of Jesus with her!  Her name is Simona.  Please pray for her.

We have two new babies at Albina.  ‘My little lamb’, Florin is a plump one-year-old with the softest, curliest hair and the most beautiful big eyes – which don’t see.  He is a quadriplegic.  The 18-year-old mother said that he got dropped.  I don’t believe so.  I think he was a battered-baby!  The second baby, Fabian, spent his first year in the hospital – abandoned, and has AIDS.  He is adorable and just loves to be held and loved and cuddled!   We loved and sang to and prayed over each and every one of the babies/children.  What a privilege to stand in our Jesus’ stead and be His eyes and heart, hands and feet with these precious unwanted little ones!

At Barza Mica, we played so many different games and puzzles with those who are able to do so – had Mama Dawn Salon Day – Movie and Popcorn Day – read a whole book covering the Resurrection Story – laughed and hugged and giggled giving these ‘kids’ the love and attention they so crave!  We had lots of yummy snacks – their favorite being Chip and Dip – the Lipton Onion Soup mix one.  😊

The majority of the orphans, though, at Barza are Severe Profound.  My time spent with them is just holding their hands, telling them ‘I love them’ – and giving them snacks.  They are very low-level – but deserve Christ’s love through us.  They ARE His creations!

Love From Above was able to pay for all the meds (OTC and prescription) for both orphanages for February and March.  Thank ALL of you who care for the ‘least of these’ – the utterly helpless!  The Major and Minor Prophets have much to say about the neglect of orphans.  Psalm 82:3,4 says, “Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute.  Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.”   I can’t put it in print, but this time I took some steps, hopefully, to start a process of delivering our precious unwanted and abused ones out of the hand of the wicked (ones).  Please pray for me in this endeavor!

Great news!   A single donor has paid for the 150 chairs we need for Canaan, our new church in the village of Halchiu!  I am so excited!  They should arrive to us sometime in July!  God’s extra-special blessing on this couple.  May He return their giving double-fold.

I’ve enjoyed my friends – dinner at Ioana and Radu’s, out to eat with Ovi and Carmen and their kids, dinner with Robert and Alina – and more.  I am blessed with such good friends in this ‘the other land that I love’.

Please pray for a safe and uneventful trip for me back to the States on April 3 – and for peace when I return there.  A most Blessed Easter/Resurrection Sunday to you.  He is Risen!  He is Risen, indeed!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”   – I Peter 1.3