March, 2023

March, 2023

– It was a roller coaster ride during the month of February back in Romania.  Snow, snow and more snow greeted me with sub-freezing temperatures and sometimes, sub-zero weather.

– During the week of February 12, we had four earthquakes with the strongest one being 4.7.  Also, we live under the threat of the Russian government wanting to invade the Republic of Moldova – and then, how long before Romania?  People here are uneasy.  Afraid!

– But on the lighter/happier side of things, you can’t even imagine the JOY it was seeing our ‘kids’ at Barza Mica the first time back.  You would think I had been gone two years, and not just two months!  I also had a big surprise waiting for me.  The director (in the two months I was away) had the ‘upstairs’ to Casa Provisii finished off to make an activities room for me.  It is so big and spacious compared to the tiny room where I have met with the ‘kids’ for the past many, many years.  As we were ascending the steps to the new finished upstairs room, I thought I was just going to see what the workers had accomplished so far for whatever purpose I thought the room would be used.

– When I walked into the room, there it was all set up with tables, pictures on the walls, balloons, and best of all, our ‘kids’ sitting around the table just waiting to greet me – and in excitement to scream, “Surpriză, surpriză!!”  – and come to hug and kiss me.  I was so caught off guard that I burst into tears, and never could quite get my act together the rest of the morning!  (THANK You, Jesus, for allowing me to be back here in ‘the other land that I love’ one more time!)

– It has also been JOY to be with our little ones at the baby orphanage – feeding them, playing with them, singing to them, praying over them – and absolutely loving them to pieces!!  Alin went ‘home’ to his family.  SO not a good situation.  My precious little Matei is getting some serious medical attention.  Many are regressing including Adriana (who had the cleft palate), and Iulian who no longer says any words.  Please pray for these precious little ones who were created in the image of God – a thought that would be unimaginable to the director and workers!

Love From Above is still supporting precious needy ones in Ukraine.  At the time of this writing, there is a team deep into the country not only taking food, goods, supplies, etc., but also evangelizing, taking the Good News of our Jesus to many who don’t know our Savior.

– And, God has given me a great gift.  After all these years, I finally have a parking space for my car.  You can’t even imagine the weight that has been lifted off my shoulders knowing that I don’t have to stress every time I leave my flat whether I’ll find a place to park when I return, or not.  It’s a bit of a hike – a couple of blocks away, but that’s alright.  With my ‘bum’ knee, this has been an amazing gift!  And, I’m sure you can guess who the Lord used to provide.  Yes, Ovi – and, his Dad.  The space is by the bloc where his Dad is the ‘super’.  God’s goodness to me is beyond anything I ever deserve!!

And, I don’t take any of you for granted!  THANK you for coming along-side me in this wonderful, one-of-a-kind ministry to the marginalized ones in Romania.  The only way I could love it more is if your eyes could see what my eyes see . . .

“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.”   – Matthew 25.40