May, 2020

May, 2020

First of all, I pray for the loving and healing hand of our Great Physician to rest on you all in this challenging time in our country during the COVID19 pandemic.

Secondly, please know that Love From Above’s work does not stop when I am in the States – and at this time with the virus everywhere, it has ramped up even more.  I spend at least four hours daily on administrative work for the ministry making sure to the best of my ability that operations in Romania don’t fall behind.  Sometimes, that is a big challenge.  LFA wired funds twice in the month of April to make sure our babies/’kids’/Sisters and Brothers in Christ at Canaan (our church) in RO have been taken care of.

The second time I wired money, I thought it wasn’t going to happen.  I was at a Western Union kiosk at 8:00a to send funds, and after answering lots of personal questions for WU, they flatly denied my transaction.  I asked the server if she could try a different name or a different amount of money.  Her answer was ‘no’.  These particular funds were to go to Ovi to get simple foods for the folks at Canaan.  I left the store sick to my stomach thinking of not ever being able to send funds again – and that our folks were not just hungry, but starving to death.

I sat in my car in the store’s parking lot in the freezing rain for fifteen minutes trying to deal with Western Union on the phone with absolutely no results there.  I returned home deciding I would try a different WU kiosk that I knew opened at 10:00a.  Before that time could arrive, it came to my mind to try so send the funds via WU, but online.  That was not without its challenges!  But, ultimately, I got enough money wired to Ovi to take care of our Sisters and Brothers in Christ at Canaan.

Praising God that Corina has been able to receive the funds for meds and food for Barza Mica (orphanage).  It was not an easy task by any means.  First of all, she and her husband were divinely protected to not get stopped by the police or (army) soldiers to get to Western Union.  Then, they went undetected traveling to at least three stores to find the food that Barza needed.  There is big lack of food in Romania.  Ultimately, our kids are getting fed – and before we know it, we will be going through this process all over again.  I am so grateful to Corina and Mita for risking so much to take care of our precious ‘helpless ones’ – our ‘least of these’.

I am beyond grateful to all who have so willing and unselfishly donated to Love From Above in this effort to feed our church members and our orphans – and keep our orphans in necessary meds that the government won’t provide.  God, truly, BLESS you all!!

Happy news!  My wind-beneath-my-wings/my right arm, my beautiful Ioana gave birth to precious little Abel on April 12 via C-section.  We are praising God that both are well and doing well.  I can hardly wait to meet the little fella!

I can hardly wait to get back to ‘the other land that I love’, but at this point I have to take a ‘wait and see’ approach.  Please pray with me that the Lord will lead me in a ‘lamp-lit path’ to know exactly what to do.  My prayer, once again, is for us to be well, and stay well – and to pray that this ‘bonus time’ (one way of looking at it) will be a time of growth in our Jesus – that we will look more like Him – love more like Him – and certainly, serve like Him.

Psalm 18.2 –