June, 2020

June, 2020

Just a brief update for the month of May.  The situation is pretty much the same in Romania with COVID19.  Very few businesses have opened.  Churches are not allowed to open yet, though.  Our pastor, Ovidiu Starlici has been holding ‘church’ in the courtyard of a friend following the government’s strict guidelines.  (Pics are available on Love From Above’s FB – or, Dawn Mattera.)

I am praising God that the ministry is able to send funds regularly to Corina to buy food and meds for our precious orphans – and to Ovi to feed our sisters and brothers in Christ at Canaan, our church in the village of Halchiu.  We are able to do this because of YOU!!  Thank you for being Philippians 4.2 – ‘thinking not only of your own needs, but the needs of others’.  You have literally saved people’s physical lives.  We have been inconvenienced by ‘the virus’ here in the States; they are desperate!  I cannot even begin to express to all who have sacrificially given to save precious lives!!

The report is that there are no cases of COVID at Barza Mica.  Praise God!!!  I pray that the Great Physician will continually rest His loving and healing hand on our orphans.  The director of Albina (babies) tells me that it is going well there, also.  (I pray so!)

Please keep praying with me that I will be able to return to my beloved Romania, even if for just a short time this summer.  It’s on a wait-and-see basis at this time.   Pray that I will listen for my Master’s voice . . .

Happy news!  Ioana’s twin sister, Miruna, successfully gave birth via C-section to Baby Ivan Daniel.  Please keep praying for her.  After having blood clots a couple of years ago, Dr. Ioana says that the next six weeks holds the highest possibility of her to have another stroke.  PLEASE pray!

THANK you, again, for all you do for our Lord’s ministry in Romania through Love From Above.  Multumesc, foarte mult!!

‘For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve’ – Mark 10.45