July, 2020

July, 2020

Little has changed from last month.  That’s what a pandemic can do to a world.  We are still sending funds to our precious orphans at Barza Mica for food and meds – and funds to Ovi for our folks at Canaan (our church in Halchiu).  I praise God that HE has supplied LFA’s ability to help each of these, and as I said before – ‘they are not hungry; they are starving’.

We have also been able to pay the rent for 5 or 6 families from our church.  The men have no longer been able to work because of ‘the virus’, yet if they can’t pay their rent, the government has no problem putting them out of their house.  Please pray over these needs – and if you can help, THANK you!!

The director from Barza Mica tells me that all of our ‘kids’ are doing well (as well as can be expected).  They have not had COVID.  Praise God!  It is difficult to get information from Albina, our baby orphanage.

The director tells me that no one is allowed into B. Mica – and that it doesn’t look good for my getting there even in August.  I would ask for prayer.  This is beyond stressful for me!  The ‘kids’ keep wondering when Mama Dawn is coming back.  It really is home for me in Brasov, and I so long to be there.

I am thrilled to tell you that we have just shipped off 31 boxes of clothing and shoes to our orphanages, and the villages of Halchiu and Bahnea.  Also, just as soon as those boxes were gone, LFA’s office at FAC loaded right up again with clothes.  Praise God for His provision to His ministry!

THANK each of you who support Love From Above, GOD’s ministry in Romania in so many ways.  I am more grateful to you than you can imagine.  Thank you for ‘considering the helpless’.  – Psalm 41.1a